Churchyard dreams by DreamMean
To dream of walking in a churchyard, if in winter, denotes that you are to have a long and bitter struggle with poverty, and you will reside far from the home of your childhood, and friends will be separated from you; but if you see the signs of springtime, you will walk up in into pleasant places and enjoy the society of friends.
For lovers to dream of being in a churchyard means they will never marry each other, but will see others fill their places.
Example: Dreamt I was walking past the churchyard in Old Amersham. This was on my left. I was aware of carrying my car toolbox on my back, arms through the handles like a haversack. When I reached the corner shop, the weight was so intolerable I fell over backwards. (read all at source)
Dreaming cemetery (graveyard, churchyard) with crosses - The symbol cross in the cemetery is like crossroad. You have worries and problems in your life. You need an advice. If the crosses are white and bright, this is a good omen, that you find the way out from the worries. (read all at source)
If you are standing in the churchyard, looking at the church, this is a symbol of great times to come. Dreaming of being alone in an empty church, however, indicates rough times ahead that will nonetheless be resolved. (read all at source)
Churchdom, churchgoer, Churchgoing, Church-haw, Churchill, Churchill Downs, Churchillian, Churchism, Churchless, Churchlike, Churchliness, Churchly, Churchman, Churchmanly, Churchmanship, Church-Rosser Theorem, Churchship, church-state, churchwarden, Churchwardenship, Churchy, Churchyard... (read all at source)