Chemicals dream meaning

To see or use chemicals in your dream indicates that you are experiencing an important change and realizing that you are indeed a unique person. You don't want to follow the crowd. (read all at source)

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What I feel is happening here is your body chemicals, hormones and your food choices could have contributed to this. Did you have something with a high level of potassium before bed such as a banana? Certain foods will cause strange nightmares because it increases brain activity. (read all at source)

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Chemicals tend to link to moments when we react or when we fear a reaction. It maybe that we are scared how someone may respond to something that we have done. Also think about sexual chemistry and possible links to that. (read all at source)

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To see or use chemicals in your dream, signifies that you are undergoing some transformation and individuation process. To dream that you are mixing or combining chemicals, represent creativity, manipulation and/or intellectual power. (read all at source)

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Seeing or using chemicals in your dream means that you are undergoing some transformation and individuation process. Dreaming that you are mixing or combining chemicals, represent creativity, manipulation and/or intellectual power. (read all at source)

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If you dream of chemicals or substances this dream suggests that emotion is important in your life. Acid is corrosive, therefore this indicates that you have a close relationship that may be destroyed. Another meaning of this dream is that you feel a situation is slowly eating you away. (read all at source)

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Feel in a dream sharp odor of chemicals - to quarrels between friends and misfortune which befall one of them. Feel the smell of urine in a dream means that you are out on the misfortune to get into a society of people for whom meanness - a standard of behavior. (read all at source)

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These ideas resemble the first scientific theories from early in the 20th century, which proposed that during sleep and dreams, chemicals such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and cholesterol that were collected in the brain during the day were dissipated. (read all at source)

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The reason is that for us, learning involves successions of stunningly complex patterns of interconnections among brain cells (neurons) and among the concentrations of biochemicals, known as neurotransmitters, that enable impulses to travel from neuron to neuron. (read all at source)

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cough afraid to say something or express yourself; forgive and bury the past (coffin); get some R & R; needing to 'cough up' more than you can give. Are you smoking too much, or working around dangerous chemicals? (read all at source)

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