Checks dream meaning

Checks dreams by DreamMean
To dream of palming off false checks on your friends, denotes that you will resort to subterfuge in order to carry forward your plans.

To receive checks you will be able to meet your payments and will inherit money.

To dream that you pay out checks, denotes depression and loss in business.

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To receive checks you will be able to meet your payments and will inherit money.
To dream that you pay out checks, denotes depression and loss in business. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of palming off false checks on your friends, denotes that you will resort to subterfuge in order to carry forward your plans. To receive checks you will be able to meet your payments and will inherit money. (read all at source)

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Reality Checks:
For Self Awareness in Conscious Dreams
Breathing - can you hold your nose and mouth shut and still breathe?
Reading - can you read a sentence twice without it changing? (read all at source)

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To dream that your checks are painted, represents your attitudes of courage and activeness.
To see your chest in your dream, signifies confidence or timidness. It also suggests that there's something that you need to get off your chest. (read all at source)

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Example dream : A dream about the dreamer and her sister both getting health checks linked to them both having ended a relationship. The health check was symbolic of them both trying to 'recover' from these relationships. They were both addressing their lives to see if they were healthy and happy. (read all at source)

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lily, checkered whiptail, Checkers, Checkerwork, checking account, checking program, Checklaton, Checkless, checklist, checkmate, checkout, checkout counter, checkout line, check-out procedure, Checkout Test language, checkout time, checkpoint, Checkrein, Checkroll, checkroom, checkrow, Checkstring,... (read all at source)

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checkers take turns; your time will come; plan the moves and you can win; play a little more; the person who checks. Who has a checkered floor or background?
cheek afraid to be bold; turn the other cheek; someone 'cheek by jowl'. Who is taking liberties or verbally sassing you? (read all at source)

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i dream that someone receive a large sum of checks leaves an money and i stole sum of the money
sharonda says:... (read all at source)

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To get a check either symbolizes inheritance or that your economy will be satisfactory. If you wrote a check does this either mean depression or loss of money. If you wrote false checks you must get a good idea to be able to finish what you have planned. (read all at source)

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In addition, cheeks can symbolize a person's rear end.
To see rosy-colored cheeks in your dream implies a life of excitement, energy, and verve. To dream that your checks are painted means that you possess steady attributes such as bravery and aggressiveness. (read all at source)

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Alternatively, cheeks can also be a slang for the buttocks.
To see rosy-colored cheeks in your dream, signifies life energy, enthusiasm and vitality.
To dream that your checks are painted, represents your attitudes of courage and violence/passivity.
Cheerleader... (read all at source)

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