Cheated dream meaning

Cheated dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being cheated in business, you will meet designing people who will seek to close your avenues to fortune.

For young persons to dream that they are being cheated in games, portend they will lose their sweethearts through quarrels and misunderstandings.

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of being cheated in business, you will meet designing people who will seek to close your avenues to fortune. (read all at source)

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Cheated. Upset. Hoaxed. Betrayed. Sad. Confused. Sly.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)

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Benefits - cheated on acquisition of valuable things.
Dream interpretation from A to Z... (read all at source)

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cheat/cheating/cheated: Being dishonest with self or another person. Something that is not right or a betrayal of trust. It can also refer to a sense of abandonment, or not being attended to. Sometimes when there isn't enough romance in a relationship this image can show up. (read all at source)

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Cheating on partner;
Being cheated by partner.
Check adultery and see what mystery your dream has.
* Please see meaning of adultery. (read all at source)

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To dream of being cheated by an impostor is a caution to prepare for a period of hard plodding.... Continue dream interpretation - Impostor"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Impotence... (read all at source)

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Cheat, cheating, cheated
Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)

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She had been cheated on by her former boyfriend and the previous evening had seen her boyfriend check out another girl. Being chased symbolised her inability to get really trust men after being cheated on.
Example dream : Chased symbolised worries about an offensive email sent to the dreamer. (read all at source)

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Keep in mind that most dreams are symbolic, and a dream of cheating on someone, or being cheated on, usually represents a deeper need that should be addressed. Are you the one cheating? You may want to ask yourself what it is that you need from your partner that you are not getting in real life. (read all at source)

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So I've been with my boyfriend for over a year, and last year about a month into our relationship I went to a party and cheated on him. He forgave me and everything was fine. (read all at source)

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To dream of a hawk, foretells you will be cheated in some way by intriguing persons. To shoot one, foretells you will surmount obstacles after many struggles. (read all at source)

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If you dream that you have cheated at something, whether by taking a shortcut in a race or copying off of somebody else's exam paper, pay attention to the consequences of your actions. Are you caught cheating, or are you rewarded despite your dishonesty? (read all at source)

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One last important thought: I get so many emails that go something like this: "I dreamed that my boyfriend cheated on me...does this mean he will in waking life?" and "I dreamed that my father died...I'm scared! Is this a precognitive dream? (read all at source)

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Many people seem to have dreams about committing adultery or about their spouse committing adultery (cheating or being cheated on). In this dictionary there is a definition for cheating and here I will add a few more thoughts about this dream topic. (read all at source)

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Protection of vision. Allure. You are being cheated by friends. Postponement of success.
Identity. Ego. Self-image. This dream denotes displeasure with yourself and warnings of someone working secretly against you. (read all at source)

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frying pan something getting hot; feeling burned or cheated; eating too many fried foods. Have you just jumped out of it, or into it?
fudge there are no calories in dream fudge; give yourself some rewards. What are you faking? (read all at source)

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Cheat. A dream of contrary. If you dreamed of being cheated, you can expect a stroke of luck; however if you were the cheater, you can expect to be cheated. (read all at source)

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To dream of pastry, warns that you will be cheated by some artful persons.
To eat pastry in your dream signifies faithful friends.
Peach... (read all at source)

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If you dreamed of crouching down, you are in danger of being cheated. Curb your tendency to be overgenerous with people - some don't deserve it!
Crow... (read all at source)

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To see a wire fence in your dreams, foretells that you will be cheated in some trade you have in view.
Wisdom... (read all at source)

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A warning to play it straight. If, in the dream, the dreamer is cheating, he should watch out for someone trying to cheat him. If the dreamer is being cheated, he can expect a stroke of luck.
Astrological parallels: Pluto.
Dream Tarot Card: The Fool... (read all at source)

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In saying this, I want to explain that we've been together for ten years, he has never cheated that I'm aware of, I never catch him in lies etc., but still there exists this lingering doubt. The doubt is not merely about cheating, but perhaps his deeper moral character. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are defrauding a person means that you are of lowly character who indulges in degrading pleasures and will deceive and take advantage of others for your own gain. Dreaming that a fraud has been committed against you means that you feel cheated from what you rightly deserve.
 ... (read all at source)

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If a previous boyfriend has cheated on you should you trust them again? If you have had a bad foot when should you start running again? These are the types of decisions that you need to make. Yet in each case these decisions are just guesses. We never know what to do in such cases. (read all at source)

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Many times, dreaming that your partner is being unfaithful is simply a fear you have of being abandoned or cheated on in waking life. However, sometimes this is a warning sign that the deed is actually being done.
inheritance... (read all at source)

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