Charm Bracelet
To see or wear a charm bracelet in your dream implies that you will be safe from physical or emotional injury. Pay attention to the charm that appears in the dream. This can also hold additional meanings. (read all at source)
Charm Bracelet
To see or wear a charm bracelet in your dream, is symbolic of protection from any harm. Consider the symbolism of the specific charm for additional significance. (read all at source)
Charm Bracelet - May be symbolic of protection from any harm., realistic or imagined.
Chase - Avoiding or running away from a situation you feel incapable of handling. Chasing someone or some thing may represent a desire to obtain something these things possess. (read all at source)
To see or wear a charm bracelet in your dream, is symbolic of protection from any harm. Consider the symbolism of the specific charm for additional significance.
To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. (read all at source)