Charcoal dreams by DreamMean
To dream of charcoal unlighted, denotes miserable situations and bleak unhappiness. If it is burning with glowing coals, there is prospects of great enhancement of fortune, and possession of unalloyed joys.
To dream that you are eating charcoal, symbolizes your burning passion and libido. You are going through some sort of transformation and embracing your sensuality.
To dream that you are riding in a chariot, indicates that you need to exercise control in your life. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of charcoal unlighted, denotes miserable situations and bleak unhappiness. If it is burning with glowing coals, there is prospects of great enhancement of fortune, and possession of unalloyed joys.. (read all at source)
Since you are aware of it, the dream tells you that it is time to let go. Charcoal dust represents diligence and a reward in your waking life. It could refer to your work, but also to happy and rewarding moments with your family. (read all at source)
Charcoal - Going through transformations, changes. Changes in your unconscious self that can be benefitical to your conscious being. Changes having to do with heavy emotions, anger, fear, passion. (read all at source)
air brush, alcohol, art paper, ash, ashes, benzine, black and white, blackening, blacking, blackwash, brand, briquette, brouillon, brush, burnable, burnt cork, butane, calx, camera lucida, camera obscura, canvas, carbon, carbon black, cartoon, chalk, charcoal drawing, chiaroscuro, cinder, clinker,... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Charcoal, Burns
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The meaning of the charcoal spiders depends partly upon your emotional reaction to them, just prior to all of them turning to ash. They seem (to me) to represent a minor panic situation, a problem which you solve rather easily. (read all at source)
i had a dream that i was at a wedding like i was video tapping it not a guest at the wedding a man proposed to his girlfriend she said yes then wrapped a snake around itself cooked it cut of its tail fed it to her future husband than let the snake go it was all charcoal and it slithered away i never... (read all at source)