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Acquaintance Actor and Actress Adam and Eve Aliens Analyst Angels Apprentice Archbishop Architect Artist Athlete Attorney Baby Bachelor Ballerina Boy Scout Brother Bus Driver Cashier Celebrities Cheerleader Children Clown Daughter Daughter-In-Law Demons Dentist Devil Doctor Dwarf... (read all at source)
People, Characters - Dream Dictionary
The appearance and particularly the fear of a person from a foreign country or culture often represents something that you fear in your own subconcious mind. (read all at source)
Fictitious CharactersThis type of dream may include a kindly neighbour that does not exist, a dear sister you do not really have, or a fictitious character from movies or television such as Peter Pan. This dream can mean one of two things. (read all at source)
Dream "Fairy-tale characters"
Dream interpretation from A to Z
To dream of a fairytale wizards heralds a turnaround Affairs; become the owner of a magic wand, and most do wonders foretells that the failure put you off balance and plunged into a state of depression. (read all at source)
Characters top list
I have found characters in my dreams relating directly to those I know and associate either from the past, present or future.Sometimes a character is showing me why someone else pushes my buttons, so to speak. (read all at source)
See Characters and People in Dreams - Secrets of Power Dreaming - Processing Dreams
Foreign Countries
About Dreamhawk... (read all at source)
Dream Characters
We make up the characters who populate our dreams and therefore they are predominantly a reflection of our feelings, ideas and interactions with significant people in our waking lives, including ourselves. (read all at source)
Characters are classified according to four classes: Number, Identity, Gender and Age
Animals and mythical beings are classified only in numbers, not in gender, identity or age.
Dream Quotations... (read all at source)
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The characters that appear in dreams are always portraying aspects of you. Siblings can personify your competitiveness or aspects that you associate with them, while parents suggest motherly and fatherly traits within you. (read all at source)
Type the characters that appear in the picture above.
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Emmy on Dreaming about a Snake Attack
jitendra on Dreaming of Snakes Everywhere
Brie on Dream Interpretation Advice... (read all at source)
The Seven Characters
1. The Persona - This archetype is symbolic of the dreamer whilst in dream mode. In other words, a projection of the dreamer which he or she projects to the outside world. Sometimes the dreamer is represented as an animal or an inanimate object. (read all at source)
White-haired characters are archetypal figures of wisdom in most cases. This includes most major theorists' and cultural imagery. It is one of the few dream symbols that seems universal. (read all at source)
Seeing fairy tale characters in your dream lets you know to watch yourself more carefully in order to avoid troubles. A science fiction story is an omen of your organized life, and that you know exactly what you are doing every day. Being the author of a fairy tale means you will be deceived. (read all at source)
The meaning of the characters for yin and yang, has more than just one connotation. Basically interpreted, yang means "sunny", so it corresponds to the day and more active functions. Whereas yin, means "shady", and corresponds to night and less active functions. (read all at source)
Bronze (for example characters, weapons) shows energy and drive, but also to the ruthlessness and selfishness, aggressiveness, ambition and greed to. The symbol must be interpreted individually to see if it relates to their own properties, you should change and warns of another with these properties. (read all at source)
Catching a crane in a dream means marrying a girl from a family of despicable characters. Cranes in a dream also represent sociable people who like to share. Seeing a crane in a dream also could mean undertaking a distant journey or returning home safely from a distant trip. (read all at source)
You are all the characters in the dream. So there is a part of you that is "regressing" or acting from a child part of you that is in conflict with the "mom" - adult part of you. (read all at source)
- dubious and dodgy characters from yesterday
- worries that people are viewing you with suspicions
- a mood of mystery and intrigue
- confusion about something
- something which has clearly been discredited
- wanting to inquire into something
- wanting to know the truth. Who is doing something? Why? (read all at source)
The cartoon people, or cartoon characters, suggest that you may perceive yourself and those around you as comical or as not having much validity or seriousness. Your perceptions may be somewhat off due to your inability to look at the way things really are. (read all at source)
One way to understand your dream better is to write it out, then ask the characters in the dream some questions. For example, you can ask (in your imagination) the stepmother in your dream why she is killing you. You can then write out an answer. (read all at source)
People (other dream characters) are reflections of your own psyche, and may demonstrate specific aspects of your own personality.
Radios and TVs can symbolize communication channels between the conscious and subconscious minds. When lucid, ask them a question... (read all at source)
Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. (read all at source)
These are characters in the dream - parts of you, some you know and some you don't know. Some you don't like and some you love. The successful businessman, the glamor girl, the bag lady, the playboy, the thief, the idiot, the comic, friends, relatives are all parts of our Self. (read all at source)
A dream concerning any of the great mythical characters or any of the ancient myths is telling you that flattery can... Continue dream interpretation - Myth"continue dream interpretation
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Menu - Dream Revealer... (read all at source)
Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. You may be taking on a new role. Dreaming that you are laughing and/or applauding in a theater indicates that you tend to choose pleasure and instant gratification over working on future goals. (read all at source)
To dream in color or a color to stand out in a dream symbolizes different characters of the Lord. Many of the colors you can see in heaven and their symbolism are the same. Colors can represent different moods of God or His outlook on your position. A few colors could mean a visitation from the Lord. (read all at source)
In one episode, one of the characters had a dream about this strange new toy his sister had recently acquired that resembled a purple goo-man with a leather jacket and pants. It looked like this weird biker guy. (read all at source)
Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. To dream that you are playing a role in the movie, foretells that something from your unconscious is about to emerge or be revealed. It may also represent memories of images or scenes from your past. (read all at source)
Something comes to mind when you think of that place—consider its characteristics, mood, context, characters and and events you associate with it
The traditional symbolism associated with that location
See also: mythological character mythological creature
Category(s): Places... (read all at source)
If you are the winner of the game, it foretells that you will be much courted and admired by certain dissolute characters, bringing you selfish pleasures, but much distress to your relatives. (read all at source)
Right in dreams can symbolize your male side, intellect or the future. When positive characters are to your right in a dream you are being asked to adopt their positive traits.
Ring... (read all at source)
Step 2 - Keep a Dream Journal. Write down every single detail about your dream including events and characters. This will help you see if the events came true. (read all at source)
You should immediately ask of yourself, what traits do I like, and what traits do I dislike in the characters I dream about? Then look for those traits in yourself. You may be very surprised to find a match up!... (read all at source)
Scenes depict current thinking, emotions, perceptions, relationships and provide insights on problems without a bias, as they really are and not always as you perceive them in your waking life. The characters in the movie often represent different aspects of yourself. (read all at source)
and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention.
If you are the winner of the game, it foretells that you may be much courted and admired by certain dissolute characters,... (read all at source)
She took it and had an intention to throw it away (this was where I had an illusion as if that women throwing it away was me)
but before it could happen I woke up. [I didn't know any of these characters from the dream, except me if I were there can't say]... (read all at source)
This represents the balance of the female energy, yin, and the male energy, yang. Jung would have supported the concept of the need for balance between these two psychic opposites. I usually view any imbalance between male and female characters in terms of their energy as an imbalance indicator. (read all at source)
CONTACT : Please feel free to contact me with your dreams - Please include as many details as possible and especially describe any strong emotions that link to the day before or any characters in the dream. (read all at source)