Seeing a chalkboard, represents the classroom and the difficulties you may have experienced in school. There is a lesson to be learned from this dream. You may feel that you are being put to the test. Consider what is being written on the chalkboard. Alternatively, it means your debts.
... (read all at source)
chalk or chalkboard
Communication or expression, perhaps a temporary message or feeling
School, teaching, learning, or something else you associate with a classroom or chalkboard
Also consider the context, what is being written or drawn with the chalk, and who is using the chalk. (read all at source)
chalk or chalkboard
Communication or expression, perhaps a temporary message or feeling
School, teaching, learning, or something else you associate with a classroom or chalkboard... (read all at source)
If you dreamed about a chalkboard, news is on the way. If you observed white writing on the board, the news that is coming will probably affect your immediate plans.
Challenge / Challenges... (read all at source)
Chalkboard - Seeking to understand life experiences. Testing your ability to understand yourself or aspects about yourself. Learning experiences as seen from a 3rd party {as in the dream}. (read all at source)
*Please See Chalkboard.
To dream that you are blackmailing someone, indicates your issues with power and domination. You may be letting your competitive nature get the best of you.
To dream that you are being blackmailed, represents inner weaknesses and helplessness. (read all at source)
The screeching sound of a pen in a dream represents a writer, or writing on paper, or writing on a chalkboard. Such screeching in a dream also could represent the chalkboard itself, or teachers of various grades. (read all at source)
I had a deam where I was sitting on the floor of my room and facing where my chalkboard should have been but instead,... (read all at source)
I'll let you in on a little secret: Once upon a time, the sound of barking dogs put my nerves in a "tilt." Worse than scrapes down a chalkboard; barking and yapping dogs would send me in a nervous tailspin. I'm an audio-attuned person, and certain sounds just send rancor through my nerve-ranks. (read all at source)