The word chakra means wheel or vortex. There are seven chakras in the human body, each of which is a center of spinning energy. The location of chakras is indicated on the diagram opposite. The first chakra is located at the base of the spine while the seventh is at the crown. (read all at source)
2) Chakras serve as a phenomenal reference for the circuitry, or pattern of human energy. (read all at source)
What is Holistic Healing?
10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit
Balancing Your Chakras
Which Animal is Your Spirit Guide?
Readers Speak - Give Your Input... (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: work, co-workers, men, standing in hall-way, chakras, chest, kundalini, snake. (scroll to second dream to find Lori B's dream interpretation)
TMD's DREAM:... (read all at source)
Seven hills at tirumala also known as ezhu malaiyan means Sevenhills god There are 7 Chakras in the basic model used in various eastern traditions and philosophies. (read all at source)
There are seven wonders of the ancient world, seven visible colors in a rainbow, seven notes to a musical scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti), and seven levels of heaven, seven chakras, or energy centers in the body, and seven days of the week. Seven represents universal balance. (see colors above)... (read all at source)
On another level, the crucifix may yield some type of warning in your dream, as it signifies that one of your chakras may be blocked. We all have energy points on our body, and sometimes in life these get blocked; therefore, we need to spend some time meditating. (read all at source)
A circular flower is a friendly sign which could be the "mandala" symbol or the symbol of wholeness that represents the "psychic center of the personality." Additionally, the colors could symbolize the psychic centers in our bodies called chakras. (read all at source)