Celebrities - Higher aspirations, sometimes realistic, sometimes not. Seeing a celebrity in your dream may represent your beliefs and understanding about him or her, and may represent those qualities the celebrity possesses you wish to possess. (read all at source)
Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name. Dreaming that you are good friends with a celebrity, represents your idealized version of someone you know in your life. (read all at source)
Dreams that you are a celebrity means your desires and wishes may be beyond your reach at the present moment.
To dream that a friend or lover becomes a celebrity suggests your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of this person. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a celebrity denotes that your desires and wishes are beyond your reach at the present moment. Alternatively, the dream represents your desire to rise in popularity. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a celebrity, signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down. (read all at source)
Celebrities in your dreams can signify a yearning to be more involved in the social scene. This dream also represents a part of you that craves recognition for past efforts. (read all at source)
CelebritiesWhen we dream of celebrities, they are usually symbolic of the obvious qualities they possess. These may be things you are striving for - fame, power, and success. When you dream of a celebrity, you need to pinpoint the one main quality you associate with him or her. (read all at source)
Celebrities can also be a symbol for how someone has made you feel more important and special. They maybe encouraging you and making you feel talented. Your dream could be about you recognising and valuing this encouragement. Have you just realised how important someone is to you? (read all at source)
When celebrities are on the front page of the newspaper, the headline can catch our eyes more quickly than a headline about world politics. We tend to talk about celebrities as if we knew them in real life. (read all at source)
To dream of celebrities shows that you are letting too much pomp and circumstance convince you to act certain ways that... Continue dream interpretation - Celebrities"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Celery... (read all at source)
Celebrities are often seen as heroes and role models for certain qualities or the fame and acceptance we want to achieve ourselves. To dream about a celebrity dying signifies that your feelings about that person are changing significantly. (read all at source)
We admire celebrities and may wish to have some of their characteristics. Consider the personality traits or any other trait that attracts you to that person. This will help you figure out why you are dreaming about him or her. (read all at source)
Dreaming celebrities and new born baby is good. It shows future prosperity and new ventures. Contact us. Please give us a good rating.
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Often, politicians, like celebrities, pop into our dreams for no reason other than the fact that we are bombarded with images of them on a daily basis. What may be important, though, is your waking-life perceptions of the politician who appears in your dream.
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Attending an awards ceremony and mingling with the celebrities can mean you're wanting to associate with more important people (in your mind) than you actually do, or that you'd like to elevate your social status or people's perception of you, or that you find fame and stardom fascinating. (read all at source)
Actor-an actor can symbolize playing a role, Ezek. 5:2 NLT. To see an actor in a dream may also be the result of a desire to interact with celebrities
Adders-spiritual enemies, Jer. 8:17
Admiral-symbolic of high command... (read all at source)
To see a particular actor or actress in your dream look at the role they are playing. Even though you may not know them on a personal level, how you perceive them or the characters they play can provide understanding in how it relates to you. See also Celebrities. (read all at source)