Castle dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being in a castle, you will be possessed of sufficient wealth to make life as you wish. You have prospects of being a great traveler, enjoying contact with people of many nations.
To see an old and vine-covered castle, you are likely to become romantic in your tastes, and care should be taken that you do not contract an undesirable marriage or engagement. Business is depressed after this dream.
To dream that you are leaving a castle, you will be robbed of your possessions, or lose your lover or some dear one by death.
castle dream symbol
A dream, goal, or desire
A dream fulfilled or a goal accomplished
Abundance or wealth (monetary or otherwise)... (read all at source)
A dream, goal, or desire
A dream fulfilled or a goal accomplished
Abundance or wealth (monetary or otherwise)... (read all at source)
To see a castle in your dream, signifies reward, honour, recognition, and praise for your achievements. It foretells that your future will be a happy one, surrounded by the love of your children, generosity of neighbours, and comfort of friends. (read all at source)
Seeing one of these majestic structures in a dream might suggest power and strength, security and protection. Castles in the sky are fantasies and illusions - you may wish to escape from your present circumstances. Help will come soon if you need it.
castration... (read all at source)
Castles bring many images into people's minds, so interpreting a castle dream may be difficult unless you look into the specific circumstances. Castles are symbolic of luxury, finances, greed, extravagance, family, marriage, loyalty, and space. (read all at source)
- To be imprisoned in a castle, is possibly the most difficulty with the liberation of the old settings dar.
- Try to enter the dreamer, in a castle, then this means that he recognizes the obstacles overcome and will.
- This house, which its main function is to a shelter, has something threatening. (read all at source)
Castles are also places of great strength built to defend. So a castle could symbolise anything connected with defence. This particularly applies to people who have been very defensive. So your dream maybe suggesting that you have been very defensive recently and inward looking. (read all at source)
The castle is a bit more difficult, because of the correlations to real places. I try not to delve into the metaphysical, and some dreamers are not satisfied with this approach. (read all at source)
Castle top list
A castle in a dream may be symbolic of the "cavern of the heart." It represents the home of the human spirit (yours) and the natural self. Dreams with castles in them may come from deeper levels of the unconscious, or the collective unconscious. (read all at source)
Castle :
A nice castle show that you will get a happy comfortable home with a nice partner. If the castle was ugly you must be on guard against infidelity or other things that can ruin the atmosphere of your home. (read all at source)
Castle - authority, fortress, royal residence
Country General Store - provision; basics, staples
Elevator - changing position; going up in the spiritual realm, elevated; going down - demotion, trial; backsliding... (read all at source)
Castles and fortresses, like all buildings, should be seen as the zone of the dreamer's psychic life.They are also mother symbols, representing the sheltering and protective aspects of motherhood.
Cat... (read all at source)
To see a castle in your dream signifies power, wealth, and prestige.
To dream that you live in a castle denotes your desire to obtain honors and wealth. (read all at source)
Castle-symbolic of a stronghold, 2 Kings 15:25
Cat-to dream of your pet cat may symbolize worries and fears about your pet’s wellbeing. A black cat may symbolize woe to an unbeliever
Catapult-being launched from a catapult can symbolize moving forward in life very quickly... (read all at source)
Castle - Past life influences
Cat - Guilt (especially if black:), stomach, intestines (more)
Cavities - Large: Respiratory system... (read all at source)
Places - Buildings - Dream Dictionary
With its moat and towers, a castle can symbolize an aspect of yourself that's walled off or on the watch for attack; your psychological defenses (is it strong or crumbling?). (read all at source)
Castles are fortresses designed to keep enemies out. Thus, to dream of a castle indicates we may have built up a fortress to our perceived vulnerabilities in life.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Sex... (read all at source)
To dream of a castle means good fortune is coming to you.
Cat... (read all at source)
A dream with a castle suggests that you need to overcome some obstacles for better understanding. If you enter a castle in the dream then it implies that you know ..Read more →
CASTRATION ... (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
A castle in a dream may be symbolic of the "cavern of the heart." It represents the home of the human spirit (yours) and the natural self. Dreams with castles in them may come from deeper levels of the unconscious, or the collective unconscious. (read all at source)
The desires for the self, the person's future, dreams and plans.
A feminine power symbol. Attributes are by image portrayed. (read all at source)
Castle & ndash; to damage or adverse changes in the affairs of. Businessmen hail heralds recognition of partners. Girl & ndash; is well known. Pregnant for the hard life of their child.
Maya Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)
Castle - Your self image. A castle is a fortified building(s). Have you fortified your emotions to prevent them from becoming conscious? Seeing a castle in your dream may mean reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your achievements. (read all at source)
castle:The noble self, hiding behind a fortification—emotional walls—to protect from hurt. (also visit:
castration: Limits to your creativity, or a denial of your power, or your sexuality. A fear regarding your sexual drive, or rejection especially by the opposite sex. (read all at source)
Castle Signifies your hopes and dreams for the future. It is expressing the inner desires that you might not have even realized you had. Cat Cats represent power, freedom and the animal self, especially for females. To dream of being a cat means you will triumph in an upcoming conflict. (read all at source)
So I said: 'I am a Castle. In the past I defended myself so strongly against all manner of attacks and people. This caused all manner of conflicts in my life. But now I am a station. People come and go in my life. I do not stop the train of events. (read all at source)
billiard parlor, blind alley, board, board of aldermen, body of advisers, body of retainers, borough council, boulevard, bowling alley, bowling green, brain trust, break the ice, British Cabinet, brown-nose, bypass, byway, cabinet, camarilla, camino real, canvass, captivate, carriageway, castle,... (read all at source)
1. What aspect of me does the house represent? You mind, body or spirit? The house may represent how you see yourself. If you recognise the need for a psychological spring clean then get to work straight away. (read all at source)
If you dream that you live in a magnificent castle and everyone obeys your every command, and grants your every wish,... Continue dream interpretation - Castle"continue dream interpretation
Castor Oil
Dream interpretation - Castor Oil... (read all at source)
THE DREAM I seem to be observing a competition. There seems to be around four castles. There is a competition to see which one is the best. It is about which is the strongest. Each castle has a king and the different kings and queens all give different reactions. (read all at source)
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Identify your birth sign and compatible signs.
Click here. (read all at source)
coal dark thoughts; heat; black; dense; formed deep within; carrying 'coals to Newcastle'; being 'hauled over the coals'. What is dark and shiny and fuel for a fire?
coast the coast is clear; you are coasting along; a person living on the coast. Which coast is beckoning to you? (read all at source)
Anchor Tattoo Ideas
Ankh Tattoo Ideas
Castle Tattoos
Chain Tattoos
Tattoo Ideas from Spiritual, Cultural and Mythological Perspectives... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Rack, Exile, Quadrille, New Year, Convention, Advancement, Wake, Fox, Chains, Vinegar, Castle, Lead, Distance, Mirror, Baptism, Teeth, Dogs
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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of being in a castle, you will be possessed of sufficient wealth to make life as you wish. You have prospects of being a great traveler, enjoying contact with people of many nations. (read all at source)