Cash dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you have plenty of cash, but that it has been borrowed, portends that you will be looked upon as a worthy man, but that those who come in close contact with you will find that you are mercenary and unfeeling.
For a young woman to dream that she is spending borrowed money, foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit, and through this lose a prized friend. See Money.
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you have plenty of cash, but that it has been borrowed, portends that you will be looked upon as a worthy man, but that those who come in close contact with you will find that you are mercenary and unfeeling. (read all at source)
European (Judeo-Christian)
- have tons, which is borrowed: one will think you're an honorable man; those who come in close contact with you will notice, however, you are greedy and uncaring.
- young woman from borrowed money: you will find out what kind of cheating on you. (read all at source)
currency (cash, money)
Money (bills, coins, a check, etc.) can represent value or "currency" of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value)—something you tend to give and receive in your life. (read all at source)
currency (cash, money)
Money (bills, coins, a check, etc.) can represent value or "currency" of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value)—something you tend to give and receive in your life. (read all at source)
Our dream studies have revealed some interesting meanings to money dreams. We associate money with value and money dreams seem to deal with the theme of value in a wider sense. One money dream occurred when the dreamer had a low self esteem. (read all at source)
To dream that you have plenty of cash means that you shall be looked upon by others as a worthy man.
Castle... (read all at source)
Cash can be indicative of the amount of energy you are willing to commit or being asked to commit to the subject matter of the dream. (read all at source)
Cash Box
To dream of a full cash box, denotes that favorable prospects will open around you. If empty, you will experience meager reimbursements.
Cashier... (read all at source)
cash look at what is valuable to you; using charge cards excessively; too much, or not enough, cash flow; ready to 'cash in your chips'. How are you limiting yourself and is it really worth it? (read all at source)
Cash Register
To see a cash register in your dream, represents financial worries and concerns. On the other hand, you may be expecting monetary gains. (read all at source)
Cash Register - Registering your successes, putting things into proper perspective. May represent financial conerns. On the other hand, you may be expecting monetary gains.
Casino - Gambling on life, risk taking. Taking a chance on those aspects that are not normally part of your everyday life. (read all at source)
Unlike cash, using credit as a way of getting fulfillment in the moment leaves you with the sense that you have to ‘pay later.’ This is the idea of trading what seems like a good idea right now, at the cost of something else. (read all at source)
To lend cash in your dream to another person while expecting that person to pay you back with interest is a warning that a great disappointment is looming at your door and that it calls for reassessment of your financial affairs. (read all at source)
Consider cash in. - To an elusive undertaking, which may have lead to a mental breakdown.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
with, broach, broken, bruise, bruised, brush off, brush-off, brusque, budget, buffet, build, burn, burned, burst, busted, butcher, butt, cachet, calendar, caliber, canal, canaliculate, canaliculated, canalization, canalize, cancel, cane, canned, canyon, capsulize, carve, carve up, carved, cash... (read all at source)
ball of money around the room and up the walls, with cash flying every
where. Then, the bell rings and I'm suddenly outside waiting for my bus
standing next to a different friend who was hiding and/or yelling at her ex-
boyfriend ( I can't really remember,) plus the bus loop doesn't look the same... (read all at source)
To interpret a dream of buying requires the dreamer to think about what was bought, why it was bought, and how it was bought-cash, credit, check, or good looks. Dreaming of buying on credit may reflect a desire to acquire or control, or it may reflect a warning. (read all at source)
Try putting a bit of this stone in your wallet, your cash drawer or wear a bloodstone amulet. Consider this little stone pulsing with a cool cash vibe as you keep it close. Maybe entertain the idea of money flowing into your experience as easily as blood circulates through your body. (read all at source)
A flash of light that occurs in a dream portends that you will cash in on an idea and be able... Continue dream interpretation - Flash"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Flask... (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: A cash cow; Play now, pay later
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
To dream of eating or making fudge is a warning against extravagant spending. Try to save your cash. If you dreamed of buying or being given a gift of fudge, this forecasts some ups and downs in your love life.
Fugitive... (read all at source)
Robbery. To dream of losing your valuables in a robbery is an omen of contrary and signifies unexpected gain, unless the robbery involved a loss of money, in which case it is a warning to be careful how you handle your cash. (read all at source)
Generally, money may represent those things that are most valuable to you and not necessarily cash. To find; Happiness is on the way. Paying; A distressing development. Receiving; Gratification and prosperity approaching. To lose; An unhappy situation at home. (read all at source)
Traditional dream interpretations indicate that losing money in your dream is a good omen, and that probably the opposite will happen. Generally, money may represent those things that are most valuable to you and not necessarily cash. (read all at source)