Cartridge dream meaning

Cartridge dreams by DreamMean
To dream of cartridges, foretells unhappy quarrels and dissensions.

Some untoward fate threatens you or some one closely allied to you.

If they are empty, there will be foolish variances in your associations.

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Dream Dictionary
To dream of cartridges, foretells unhappy quarrels and dissensions. Some untoward fate threatens you or some one closely allied to you. If they are empty, there will be foolish variances in your associations. (read all at source)

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A cartridge in a dream can symbolize something that you have gained after a long struggle.
A used cartridge can stand for a problem that has been solved, while an unused cartridge can represent an infatuation with a person or with an idea.
Castration ... (read all at source)

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I bought the new cartridge, installed it and the printer works perfectly. This whole experience of being frustrated with the machine, having this dream, and then working on its interpretation has been a very useful and important process for me. (read all at source)

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bent, bibliofilm, bind, bipack, black-and-white film, block out, blueprint, board, body, body-build, bones, border, bordure, bound, box in, brand, breed, brew, brim, bring forth, bring into being, brink, brow, build, building, bushing, cabal, cadre, calculate, call into being, carcass, cartridge,... (read all at source)

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You can even get pens with ink cartridges in the cylinder - no dipping - easy-peasy! Most of these kits come with a little instruction book (but honestly, most of your learning will be up to you, unless you have an awesome-cool mom to teach you :). (read all at source)

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Bullet-a symbol of a malicious word or the word of God aimed at a spiritual enemy, Ps. 10:7. A blank or empty cartridge is symbolic of ineffective prayer
Bulletproof vest-a symbol of protection against attack, a well-armed Christian, Eph. 6:11
Bullfrog-symbolic of a demon, Rev. 16:13-14... (read all at source)

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