Cards dream meaning

Cards dreams by DreamMean
If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime, you will meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up. Small ills will vanish. But playing for stakes will involve you in difficulties of a serious nature.

If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies. If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law, but will have trouble in so doing.

If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards, she will have cause to question his good intentions.

In social games, seeing diamonds indicate wealth; clubs, that your partner in life will be exacting, and that you may have trouble in explaining your absence at times; hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings; spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate.

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Card - Playing cards may symbolize a gamble on your part. It also may mean that you have successfully utilized skills of bluff, strategy, and timing in your everyday life. (read all at source)

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If you dream of cards named spades, you will be enticed into follies which will bring you grief and misfortune.
For a gambler to dream that spades are trumps, means that unfortunate deals will deplete his winnings.
Sparrow... (read all at source)

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The mandala design of the DreamQuest cards (See Appendix) appeared in a dream. The outer circle contains lotus petals symbolizing the divine within, with feathers in between symbolizing courage. The next circle comprises twelve block prints inspired by earlier dreams. (read all at source)

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Tarot cards have recently received renewed popularity. Often times, dreaming about a psychic reading indicates a desire for a third party to illuminate and validate some big decision(s) you are facing. (read all at source)

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Dream "Game lead in the cards, etc"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
neppiyatnocti, potepya and ccopa c dpyzyami. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are playing a game of cards, symbolzies that you have successfully used skills of strategy and timing in your waking life. Also see "Poker".
Carjacking... (read all at source)

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If you dream that you are playing cards, someone may be irritating you in waking life.
Playing solitaire can be a sign that you want to try a new way of doing something. (read all at source)

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Cards in any form could show a lack of communication. Especially when used alone, cards show that you may be feeling as if you cannot communicate openly and effectively with anyone in your life. (read all at source)

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If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies. If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law, but will have trouble in so doing.
If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards, she will have cause to question his good intentions. (read all at source)

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Important and perspective changes In the dream playing cards and have ace or aces in hand, so this is an indication of a turn towards a decision which is very important. Dreaming of aces foretell that something very important will happen in near future. (read all at source)

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The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Tarot Cards - Reading Tarot Cards
The Pentagram Tarot Spread
The Pentagram Tarot Spread
Tarot Card Spreads... (read all at source)

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To dream of playing cards is indicative that one needs to be open to the possibility of gambling or risk taking to gain wealth. Certain types of cards can have different meanings. (read all at source)

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Cards/Playing Card Tarot
Objects - Dream Dictionary
As with all games, card games can symbolize camaraderie; team or partner cooperation; competition. It may give you clues about your strategy or behavior in a waking situation. (read all at source)

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Cards-Facts: Honesty (as in putting all your cards on the table); truth; expose or reveal; dishonesty; underhanded dealing; cheating; wisdom (as in knowing when to hold and when to fold).
(Romans 12:17)
... (read all at source)

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Credit cards, because of their association with banks, are about balance of the heart and sharing of feelings. (read all at source)

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Skill and chance. Playing some sort of game. Troubles ahead.
Carpenter... (read all at source)

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cards or gambling: Making a game of life and not taking it seriously. Taking a chance or a risk on something or someone. What do you hope to win?
castle:The noble self, hiding behind a fortification—emotional walls—to protect from hurt. (also visit:... (read all at source)

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Playing cards usually mean luck or competence. See also ace or possibly postcard.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)

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auspices, authority, autograph, autography, bakehead, bank, barter, beam, being, bequeath, best bower, big hand, black gang, blaze, blow, blue-collar worker, body, boilerman, boost, border, bough, bower, branch, breadwinner, broadside, buck, bungs, burst of applause, cabin boy, calligraphy, cards,... (read all at source)

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Example dream : Little boys were a symbol of how the dreamer was happily playing cards with a friend. They often played like little boys played - full of childish enthusiasm and really able to have a good time. (read all at source)

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Example: On my left, I have a box full of credit cards that I collected over the years. They are still in their envelopes. I notice that I have some of Merle's that had been sent to my address and I never forwarded them on. (read all at source)

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He was returning home from work and when he walked in his friend was with his wife playing cards. He asked what was he doing and they explained to him that they had been having an affair for a while. The guy who was shot turned around in disgust and while he did his friend shot him. (read all at source)

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Make some oracle cards depicting each animal, or create your own stones (like runes). You can paint Ogham marks (to delineate each animal) on your stones, or paint pictures of the animals. Shake your stones, toss them out, and let the messages fly. (read all at source)

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For one to dream that she discards the robes of her order, foretells that longing for worldly pleasures will unfit her for her chosen duties.
For a woman to dream of her nuptials, she will soon enter upon new engagements, which will afford her distinction, pleasure, and harmony. (read all at source)

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This denomination of playing cards signifies four different things, according to the suit, and in each case the portent represents the... Continue dream interpretation - Ace"continue dream interpretation
Acetic Acid
Dream interpretation - Acetic Acid... (read all at source)

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Chance or risk (as in cards, where the diamonds appear)
Great value (as in diamond, the jewel)
Consider what the shape means to you personally, and the way it appears in the dream.
see also: shape
categories: Attribute Objects... (read all at source)

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A man who gambles is liable to dream of cards; if he dreams of them in deep sleep the warning is to be heeded; but if it comes as a reverie while he sleeps lightly he should regard it as worthless. (read all at source)

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Net-banking / Credit cards* / Debit cards / Cash cards / Mobile payments
*Master card is not accepted
Pay through Cheque / Cash deposit in ICICI Bank account... (read all at source)

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Numbers and Tarot
Tarot cards have numbers (except the court cards) and suits (or names for the Majors) as well as images. I have always used these elements in several... (read all at source)

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If she discards it, she will be in danger of public scandalby her notorious love for adventure.
To see people arrayed in strange uniforms, foretells the disruptionof friendly relations with some other Power by your own government.
This may also apply to families or friends. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Lay your cards on the table; under the table; Turn the tables
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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You have no choice but to shake your head and laugh when the rug is pulled out from beneath your interior house of cards. “Oh my, is this what life feels like down here in the gutter? I can’t tell you why, but I suddenly feel alive again.'... (read all at source)

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1. Playing card games with someone you recognize implies that this person, or perhaps someone of whom he or she reminds you, is "playing games" with you and is not to be trusted. Gambling with cards is a warning to avoid financial risk of any kind.
2. (read all at source)

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A dream with playing cards suggests that you need to be more strategic in some area of your life or a current project. It can also imply the potential danger ..Read more →
CARRIAGE / CART / CHARIOT ... (read all at source)

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Tarot cards-symbolic of fortune telling, Acts 16:16
Taskmaster-symbolic of a harsh or overbearing person in a position of authority, Ex. 1:11
Tattoo-symbolic of worldliness or pagan rituals, Lev. 19:28
Tax-taxes or a tax notice is symbolic of earthly government, Matt. 17:25... (read all at source)

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Tarot Cards
To dream of a tarot reading, indicates your current situation and state of mind. You are open to exploring your unconscious thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to what the Tarot Cards revealed. (read all at source)

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Playing cards in a dream often symbolize fate. If you dream that you are playing in a card game, you could feel that you are trying to control a situation over which you, ultimately, have little control.
A dream that you are playing cards can mean that you are thinking about taking a risk. (read all at source)

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