Captive dream meaning

Captive dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are a captive, denotes that you may have treachery to deal with, and if you cannot escape, that injury and misfortune will befall you.

To dream of taking any one captive, you will join yourself to pursuits and persons of lowest status.

For a young woman to dream that she is a captive, denotes that she will have a husband who will be jealous of her confidence in others; or she may be censured for her indiscretion.

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To dream of taking any one captive, you will join yourself to pursuits and persons of lowest status.
For a young woman to dream that she is a captive, denotes that she will have a husband who will be jealous of her confidence in others; or she may be censured for her indiscretion. (read all at source)

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In real life being held captive seems an extreme and unlikely occurrence. But actually its a very relevant symbol to real life. You may be held captive in a relationship that you hate? You maybe pushed into doing things which you do not like? (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation Captive
To dream that you are a captive, could denote that you may have treachery to deal with, and if you cannot escape, that injury and misfortune might befall you.
To dream of taking any one captive, you will join yourself to pursuits and persons of lowest status. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are a captive, denotes that you may have treachery to deal with, and if you cannot escape, that injury and misfortune will befall you. Dreaming of taking any one captive, you will join yourself to pursuits and persons of lowest status. (read all at source)

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captive a part of yourself is being held captive; look at the payoff you get from doing this; desiring to captivate someone. Who needs a captive audience to be heard? (read all at source)

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Captive / Captured
To dream of getting captured is a warning to steer clear of gossip and intrigue.
Car... (read all at source)

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Captive. A dream featuring captivity suggests tension and over-strain, probably due to overspending; cut down on the extravagance of any kind unless the captives were animal, in which case you should soon be finding life most enjoyable. (read all at source)

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Being captive on death row...
If you experience the imprisoning you for a crime for example you are on death row, ask yourself what appears to be imprisoning you? Who is trying to ending in your life?
The death of a dead person... (read all at source)

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A fellow captive attempts to break free, at least that's how it seems from her actions. When you look her in the eye and walk away, that seems like a rejection to me. Are you rejecting the idea of fighting back, of breaking free? (read all at source)

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bail, bond, captive, earnest, earnest money, escrow, gage, guaranty, handsel, hock, mainprise, pawn, pignus, pledge, prisoner, recognizance, replevin, replevy, security, surety, token, token payment, undertaking, vadimonium, vadium
 ... (read all at source)

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If you dream that you are a victim of theft, you need to remember who held you captive and in which physical conditions have contained. Helping their captors in a dream, so you are allowing them to take control of a certain area of �??�??concern for you life. (read all at source)

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Prison: Lost souls; Christian held captive by the enemy; rebellion; lawlessness; bondage; persecuted saints; slavery; Sheol or Hades; imprisoned unjustly; release from prison is God's blessing; confinement of personal circumstances; a spiritual condition that is fallen; death;... (read all at source)

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Specifically it means that you suppress your feelings (keep them captive) and do not share them with others. The logic behind the action is that if people cannot get close they cannot hurt your feelings. (read all at source)

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I dreamt I was being held captive, and the kidnapper had amputated my left foot and four fingers. He held me and my friend (her unharmed) for two years. Then we escaped somehow. (read all at source)

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To eat one, signifies that you will yield yourself a captive to the personal charms of another.
To see a pond in your dream, interpret that events will bring no emotion, and fortune will retain a placid outlook. (read all at source)

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If you dream negatively of an army (i.e. being captured, chased or oppressed), this would indicate that you are captive to desires and works of the flesh that are not of the Lord. It could also indicate an oppression in your life that is controlling you. (read all at source)

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Experiencing being kidnapped in a dream is our unconscious making us aware that we are being held captive by our own "demons". If the dreamer is kidnapping someone else, the person is likely attempting to assume some quality of the person they are abducting. (read all at source)

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At times, eggs can represent captivity or entrapment. Carl Jung said that eggs represent our captive souls. Therefore, the egg in your dream may very well represent you in the most profound sense. Are you trapped in a shell or did you break out of it and are now free to soar? (read all at source)

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After stewing in Saturn's stomach, Pluto (and all his other siblings upon whom Saturn feasted) were rescued by Jupiter who then distributed universal responsibilities amongst the gastric captives. (read all at source)

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Much of this depends on who is holding you captive and why. If you are cooperating with a familiar captor, it may be that you feel that person's control over your life to the extent that you have no choice but to be a part of it. (read all at source)

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If your sweetheart gives you one, you will be lured by artfulwiles to the verge of distraction by woman's charms, but innerforces will hold you safe from thralldom.
To eat one, signifies that you will yield yourself a captiveto the personal charms of another. (read all at source)

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