For a young woman to glide in a canoe across a canal, denotes a chaste life and an adoring husband. (read all at source)
To see the water of a canal muddy and stagnant-looking, portends sickness and disorders of the stomach and dark designs of enemies. But if its waters are clear a placid life and the devotion of friends is before you.
For a young woman to glide in a canoe across a canal, denotes a chaste life and an adoring husband. If she crossed the canal on a bridge over clear water and gathers ferns and other greens on the banks, she will enjoy a life of ceaseless rounds of pleasure and attain to high social distinction. But if the water be turbid she will often find herself tangled in meshes of perplexity and will be the victim of nervous troubles.
Canary Birds. To dream of this sweet songster, denotes unexpected pleasures. For the young to dream of possessing a beautiful canary, denotes high class honors and a successful passage through the literary world, or a happy termination of love's young dream.
To dream one is given you, indicates a welcome legacy. To give away a canary, denotes that you will suffer disappointment in your dearest wishes.
To dream that one dies, denotes the unfaithfulness of dear friends.
Advancing, fluttering, and singing canaries, in luxurious apartments, denotes feasting and a life of exquisite refinement, wealth, and satisfying friendships. If the light is weird or unnaturally bright, it augurs that you are entertaining illusive hopes. Your over-confidence is your worst enemy. A young woman after this dream should beware, lest flattering promises react upon her in disappointment. Fairy-like scenes in a dream are peculiarly misleading and treacherous to women. (read all at source)
Canal: To see the water of a canal muddy and stagnant-looking, portendssickness and disorders of the stomach and dark designs of enemies.
But if its waters are clear a placid life and the devotion of friendsis before you. (read all at source)
canal dream symbol
A canal, ditch, or other water channel can represent:... (read all at source)
Canal Dreams
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Passing through a canal in a dream can represent passing from one stage of life to another. (read all at source)
For a young woman to glide in a canoe across a canal, denotes a chaste life and an adoring husband. If she crossed the canal on a bridge over clear water and gathers ferns and other greens on the banks, she will enjoy a life of ceaseless rounds of pleasure and attain to high social distinction. (read all at source)
Places - Dream Dictionary
Feminine symbol; the birth canal; passageway; direction; access to inner emotions or goals. How are you progressing along the canal? With ease or difficulty, guided or pulled by someone? (read all at source)
Canals are typically a sign that we are not allowing our creative side loose. Instead we are too rigid in our decision making and concepts about the world around us.
Cancer... (read all at source)
This river pathway often cuts through mountains (concrete ideas) to take water (emotions) from a reservoir or preserve (unconscious) into areas where it is most needed. Without this type of irrigation, the plants upriver would perish, suggesting opening to the opportunity for new growth. (read all at source)
Canal - Spiritual flow is restricted by conventional ideals (more); Dirty or polluted: circulatory system
Candle - Intuitive, psychic... (read all at source)
Canals represent a journey through the unconscious. Pay attention to other details in the dream. Is the water muddy or clear? Are you traveling with friends or family? A dirty canal suggests you have hidden emotional issues you need to work out as soon as possible.
cancer... (read all at source)
A dream with a canal suggests that you are rigid in your ways or emotions. It also suggests that you are being too structured and you need to take a ..Read more →
CANCER ... (read all at source)
arroyo, bed, canal, canalization, channel, conduit, course, creek bed, crimp, culvert, cut, dike, ditch, donga, dry bed, duct, entrenchment, flume, fosse, goffer, gulch, gully, gullyhole, gutter, ha-ha, headrace, irrigation ditch, kennel, moat, nullah, pleat, race, river bed, riverway, runnel,... (read all at source)
Couple of months ago I've been having this dream where im running on the side of a canal and alligators are trying to bite me and I have to jump over them and just keep running. (read all at source)
I dreamed last night that my current husband and I were near this canal and saw some abandoned cut-worm bait we wanted to use for fishing. (read all at source)
rings by a canal lock(first one with big stones), that had been thrown in by women, then dredged up with the silt and dumped on the canal bank, later found by me when I was digging a disabled ramp foundation! for the visitor attraction! the visitor center then had an attraction ~(the rings). (read all at source)
Then we are docked at our local canal and are burgled several times. I go for a walk and find a wonderful girl on a high cliff. She had an amazing calming effect on me such as I have never known before. We glide off the cliff and fly high into the sky as I sing beautiful opera music. (read all at source)
So it is also with the ancient Egyptians as we learn their beloved (and heavily relied upon) Nile river is akin to the birth canal of their existence.
A quick list of symbolic meanings for water include (but are not limited to):... (read all at source)
A canal, ditch, or other water channel can represent:
A context where events happen or a process progresses (as a canal is a place where water can progress from one place to another)
A means of progress or a mode of transportation in your life... (read all at source)
A canal is a channel through difficult territory, so dreaming of a full and thriving canal brings promise of future prosperity. An empty canal, however, warns of financial troubles - which can, however, be prevented. Look to other symbols in the dream to judge how such problems could be prevented. (read all at source)
To dream about a canal relates to your future security. If the canal was full of water, the omen is good, especially or the water was sparkling clean. If the canal was nearly empty or had filthy water, you need to cut your spending and make do with what you have. (read all at source)
- Fixing canal - dream analysis
- Computer programmer uses creative dreams to solve problems
- Crazy Horses dream about fighting the white men
- Tartinis devils sonata dream
- Dream - new route not so steep
- Elias Howe invented the Sewing machine after a creative dream... (read all at source)
Canals top list
Each canal is a deep patterned within that is unconsciously played out.Can also represent canals within the body that are in need of repair or healing.
Canary top list
Messenger of friendship. (read all at source)
Canals can represent a sense of balance in our families and relationships with others. This is especially apparent if there was another person present in your canal dream. Are you giving enough attention to the people you love? (read all at source)