A camera, or someone using a camera, can represent:... (read all at source)
To dream of a camera, signifies that changes will bring undeserved environments. For a young woman to dream that she is taking pictures with a camera, foretells that her immediate future will have much that is displeasing and that a friend will subject her to acute disappointment. (read all at source)
Objects - Dream Dictionary
As an instrument for recoding and keeping track of past experiences and memories, the camera can symbolize the process that lets you relive or review experiences. It may be keeping track of your self growth or identity if appearing in several dreams. (read all at source)
The camera is the classic symbol of moving toward an objective perspective. As you explore different ways of ‘focusing’ to ‘capture’ an image it is memorialized in a photograph. (read all at source)
Camera - Reproductive system
Canal - Spiritual flow is restricted by conventional ideals (more); Dirty or polluted: circulatory system
Candle - Intuitive, psychic... (read all at source)
Video Camera
To dream that you are using a video camera, suggests that you need to be more objective in your decisions. Focus on the task at hand and try not to let your emotions cloud your judgment. (read all at source)
Camera Dreams
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If you are using a camera in a dream, it can be a message that you need to pay more attention to the things that you observe around you. (read all at source)
Camera :
A camera symbolizes you. If you took a picture of someone or something you must be more objective. If the camera did not function you are trying to escape from your problems. (read all at source)
In the dream state you can access the secrets of the subconscious as at no other time. You are the star of your own reality show, and the subconscious is the camera that is always on, capturing and recording every thought, feeling, and experience. (read all at source)
A camera, or someone using a camera, can represent:
The idea of focusing on or examining someone or something
Remembering or a desire to remember
Capturing something in order to keep it or take it away with you, as a snapshot captures a moment, scene, or expression
Safe-keeping or keepsakes... (read all at source)
A camera in your dream is generally a good omen, and it shows how we can keep a close eye on events that have happened in the past. This dream is very much focused on learning from experiences that have happened in the past. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Record; memories; the past
Popular Expressions: Put someone in the picture; Get the picture... (read all at source)
When you see a camera what comes to mind. What do you immediately associate with a photograph or camera. Some people think "I want to look my best if a picture is taken" whilst others associate cameras with special occasions. Dreams use symbols to express the feelings that we associate with them. (read all at source)
To see a camera in your dream means you are trying to live in the past, or that you don't have a clear picture of a current situation. If you dream about running out of film, you may not have the tools or experience to deal with a current situation on your own. Ask for help. (read all at source)
Camera takes you to dream about what is likely to reality awaits promotion. The rate of advancement through the ranks will depend on your personal initiative. (read all at source)
At first they thought it must be a publicity stunt and were wondering where the cameras were. But as nothing happened in that way it led them to question further. Suddenly one of the people watching - I think it was a woman - suddenly realised it was not a trick or to do with publicity. (read all at source)
No matter how peaceful and quiet things are, there is always SOME spot in the world involving combat, and the news cameras zoom in on it. The exciting news stories always involve murder and death and gore, even if they have to search far and wide to get to it. (read all at source)
Memories, pictures, past, experience, facts of distance. (read all at source)
There was a camera sitting on his desk, so I turned it on, and on it there was a video of me being raped by him. It was so freaky, because I had no recollection (within my dream) of it happening, only vague flashes of it. I felt so sick, I wanted to die. (read all at source)
To dream of a camera can suggest we are stopping to take note and record a specific moment that may need closer scrutiny in waking life. If we are being filmed it may imply we are in need of paying closer attention to our behaviour or actions.
Canal... (read all at source)
Image of experience. Record. Sometimes a means of distancing.
Camping... (read all at source)
Camera - Projections of the self condition. The dream is a camera, taking pictures of your true self and not the imaged self as seen during your waking hours. Holding on to the past. A need to examine your past. (read all at source)
camera: To record something or to take notice of something. How does this look to you? It may also be similar to the eye in that it can represent point-of-view. (read all at source)
A dream with a camera or camcorder suggests that you need to take note of what is being shown to you. If the camcorder or camera is broken then it ..Read more →
CAMEL ... (read all at source)
This dream happened the day after the dreamer had destroyed his own camera due to his own reckless behavior. Now - if we assume that the dreams link to major events from the day before then this dream starts to reveal a true insight into the dreamers own thoughts. (read all at source)
I dream of fighting with aliens and sometimes I dream of seeing aliens tracking me anywhere I hide. In one dream I see myself taking a picture of a UFO with my phone camera. One day I wanted to use my phone camera to take pic but it was not working yet before the dream the camera was working. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Portrait, Camera, Corpulence
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Pictures symbol. (read all at source)
Subjects in the free Dream Interpretation Dictionary starting with the letter 'C', such as Cancer, Cat, Candy, Cars, Cards, Children, Crabs, Choking, Crocodile, Cash, Cave, Camera and Challenge, are covered in this Dream Interpretation section. (read all at source)
Seeing a camera in your dream means your desires to cling on and/or live in the past. Alternatively, it may represent you need to focus on a particular situation. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea. (read all at source)
To dream about a camera indicates a wish to hold onto and not let go of your past. It may also indicate that you must focus more tightly on a current circumstances that has arisen within your life. You may need to have a better idea or more focused notion on this situation. (read all at source)
Camera-symbolic of memories or capturing the moment. If someone is taking your picture the dream is drawing atten�tion to your life
Camouflage-blending in or going unnoticed
Camping-symbolic of a temporary situation, Ex. 14:1... (read all at source)
camera your dream is showing you a picture of something; look at the past for some clues. Where has time 'stood still' for you?
camp perhaps it's time for a holiday; staying in one place for an extended length of time; memories of camp. Who is acting in an affected, effeminate style? (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a camera, signifies that changes will bring undeserved environments. (read all at source)
Dreams where cameras are important often reflect a desire to stop the action, gain additional information, or capture hidden meanings. Are you taking specific pictures, or are they random? Are you photographing people, places, or objects? (read all at source)