To see a cake in your dream, denotes something that has to be shared or allocated. Are you getting your equal share? It also foretells that you will succeed in any new projects you choose to embark on. (read all at source)
To see or eat a cake in your dream, foretells you will have success in business. The dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements.
To see or eat a pound cake is significant of much pleasure either from society or business. (read all at source)
To see a cake in your dream, indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself. Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. (read all at source)
Cake - the joy.
Cake - happy holiday, a great celebration, fun with friends and family. (read all at source)
Cake symbolizes a desire for reward, perhaps when embarking in a new direction. Any type of food represents nourishment from a more broad perspective. Dessert items have associations with ideas like 'icing on the cake' or 'having your just dessert' as a symbol of reaching for more in life. (read all at source)
Cake- divine food. (Jer 7:18)
*Unleavened cake-offering without sin.
*Leavened cake-offering permeated by sinfulness of man. (read all at source)
Definition For:
A cake speaks of fun, enjoyment and blessing. It speaks of receiving a gift and something that is enjoyable. (read all at source)
Pound cake is significant of much pleasure either from society or business. For a young woman to dream of her wedding cake is the only bad luck cake in the category. Baking them is not so good an omen as seeing them or eating them. (read all at source)
Eating a cake can also mean indulgence, but this may be a positive thing. If the cake eating experience in your dream seems generally positive, you are indulgent in your love for others. In other words, you have a tremendous amount of love in your life, whether you realize it or not. (read all at source)
cake dream symbol
A special event, fun or happiness, or "sweet times." Dreaming that you are eating cake can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets. (read all at source)
A special event, fun or happiness, or "sweet times." Dreaming that you are eating cake can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets.
See also: birthday cake dessert frosting... (read all at source)
The list of things we bought; not sure if this would help, but more info the better, I think; oranges, cake, cookies, in addition to 40-ish more items that I can't recall. It didn't seem violent, I actually felt gleeful, and I was giggling. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a birthday cake indicates that the best of your wishes will be realized. It also represents your willingness to let people in and share your life with others. (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
It may symbolize the sweet and pleasurable parts of life. The dream may be interpreted according to your interaction with the cake in the dream. (read all at source)
Cake top list
It may symbolize the sweet and pleasurable parts of life. The dream may be interpreted according to your interaction with the cake in the dream. Represents something that brings you joy and pleasure and is shared with others.Directly related to celebrations and company. (read all at source)
Cake, candy or chocolate: Sensual pleasure
Cheese: Material gain
Cold Cuts: Preservation... (read all at source)
A dream about a cake may mean a celebration is at hand. It can also indicate there's something to celebrate that has been overlooked. Maybe you should push for something you desire, such as a promotion at work.
camp... (read all at source)
Birthday cake
To dream of a birthday, complete with the cake, shows that you will have much good luck come your way through the well wishes of good friends. If the cake looks ugly in the dream, then you will have some minor bad luck that will not be long lasting, or devastating to the dreamer. (read all at source)
see also Intruder Cake aggrandizement of physical appetites Cayce (900-94, A-6). Candle 1. singleness of purpose and heart Cayce (900-322, A-1). 2. (read all at source)
That night in a moment of weakness, she eats a big slice of cake, and a bowl of ice cream. That night she dreams of being on a farm on a cloudy day, and watching in disgust as a big manure covered sow eats and sucks non-stop at her sloop. (read all at source)
To dream of a birthday, complete with the cake, shows that you will have much good luck come your way through... Continue dream interpretation - Birthday cake"continue dream interpretation
Birthday Presents
Dream interpretation - Birthday Presents... (read all at source)
She is astonished and ashamed when she sees that the pig is eating cake and ice-cream. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the dream means, or what the animal symbolises. (read all at source)
I saw myslf in a dream were I ran into an old friend a female but she was married so they were having a party and I happen to be among those helping with the frying..we fried beans cake,yam and fish..I was even asked to go share to go give some peopl like serve them..pls wat does this dream signify? (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
If a poor person sees himself eating modified bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of something one is anticipating to receive. (Also see Bread). (read all at source)
Example dream : A chocolate cake dream linked to the day before when the dreamer had been made to feel very welcome.
Example dream : Cake was a symbol of self indulgence. All the dreamer could think about at the present was planning for the future. (read all at source)
Cake-celebratory of a person’s life. If the cake is half-baked or burnt it symbolizes worthlessness, Hosea 7:8
Calculator-examining or calculating the cost of something, Lk.14:28... (read all at source)
If you dream of eating cake, you will have success in an upcoming endeavor.
Calendar... (read all at source)
cake: A celebration or indulgence/sensual enjoyment.
calendar: The passage of time, or a reminder of something. Some peoples lives seem to be run, or controlled, by the calendar. (read all at source)
The Cake
A way of life or behaviour you cannot, or fear, going beyond. Probably rules of conduct you learnt as a child and there may have been consquences for disobeying. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a cake is generally a good sign. Especially if the cake is one of a celebratory nature as this suggests we have cause to celebrate in life and/or to take heed of significant events in time. (read all at source)
If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you. Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. (read all at source)
To dream of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you.
Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. (read all at source)
sponge soaking it all up; a special cake; someone 'sponging' off another. Who is ready to 'throw in the sponge'? (read all at source)