Cable dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a cable, foretells the undertaking of a decidedly hazardous work, which, if successfully carried to completion, will abound in riches and honor to you.
To dream of receiving cablegrams, denotes that a message of importance will reach you soon, and will cause disagreeable comments.
Cable, cable to see - important message.
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
Cable (underwater) - receive good news from afar. (read all at source)
A dream involving a cable symbolizes strength or security. To dream of a broken cable implies that you have a lack of strength in some part of your life.
CACTUS ... (read all at source)
A useful dream interpretation tip that is applicable to any types of dreams is to pay attention to the general feeling or atmosphere in the dream. (read all at source)
Cable car
In general:
Funicular means that one manages to climb without having to make a special effort. (read all at source)
Cables are used for a range of purposes, they are often used to connect two things, to keep something stable, or connect us together through technology. Whether you dream of a thick robe in your dream or a cable used for technological purposes. The cable ties together through human connection. (read all at source)
To see a frayed or broken cable in your dream, warns of imminent danger in an unexpected place.
To hear the sound of cackling in your dream, signifies illness and loss. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a cable, foretells the undertaking of a decidedly hazardous work, which, if successfully carried to completion, will abound in riches and honor to you. (read all at source)
To see a cable in your dream, represents your stamina and durability. If the cable is frayed or broken, then it signifies a lack of strength.
Cackle... (read all at source)
A cable that hold something heavy symbolize that you have a dangerous job. This is a warning telling you to be careful. If the cable snapped will the danger be for someone you know. An electricity cable is also a warning. (read all at source)
Juggling-symbolic of being busy or overwhelmed
Jumper cables-symbolic of a connection to a supernatural source of power
Jungle gym-playing around
Junk-symbolic of reading or watching worthless material, Prov. 15:14... (read all at source)
Because Mercury is easily fused with other metals. This hints to amicable bonds (friendship) and ties that bind with ease. Mercurial dogs are also symbolic of: Transition, Intelligence, and easy flow through the processes of transmutation. (read all at source)
Putting on perfume may symbolize covering up feelings to appear more amicable even though something 'doesn't smell right' or is bugging you. When your perfume or smell is the focus of a dream, you are exploring your magnetism or what attracts others to you. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Milk, Malt, Cable, Damson, Rising, Furs, Lobster, Pump, Stairs, Books, Eggs, Jewels
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Riches symbol. (read all at source)
Electricity in dreams can represent change in similar manner to lightning, only with electricity in the home or overhead cables the flow of power is controlled and directed - for this reason electricity in this form in dreams represents a bringing of power to your life,... (read all at source)
This is particularly applicable to the dreamer's understanding of and ability to love. In other words, it suggests the dreamer is advancing in his or her awareness of how love expands, grows, and develops when it (love) is given unconditionally. (read all at source)
Breakups are hard, even if they are amicable. You are probably feeling that you did not communicate your feelings adequately, but the dream-representation of your ex is trying to tell you that this is not the case. He knows you loved him (and you still do). (read all at source)
Bad luck in a sudden and inexplicable manner will befall you if you see yourself led to the gallows. A friend will betray you if you see yourself standing on the gallows. If you hang an enemy on the gallows you will be victorious. (read all at source)
A real-life situation with variety of activities or choices, such as a wide selection of activities on a recent trip you took or all the channels to choose from on cable TV
A real-life setting where there are many different independent activities going on... (read all at source)
To see children in the lighted heavens, warns you to control your feelings, as irrevocable wrong may be done in a frenzy of feeling arising over seeming neglect by your dear ones. (read all at source)
Traditionally, it was thought that dreaming that you did not have teeth, represent malnutrition which may be applicable to some dreamers.
Related Dreams
You may find these related dreams useful as well. (read all at source)
Gold speaks of royalty and when a person is given Gold (speaking of the divine nature of the Lord) it means that the Lord has delegated some of His authority to them. This is especially applicable to the fivefold ministry which is why the symbols we see in the spirit that represent the fivefold... (read all at source)
That you express your voice and your thoughts confidently, and that your communication is direct, without any wires or cables to interfere?Is the cell phone dropping out or being interrupted in some way, suggesting that you’re having trouble communicating? (read all at source)
In other instances the flu can cause dreams to become fragmented visions caused from a sick body trying to heal itself. Although these pictures mean nothing to us logically, there is likely some pattern there that is applicable to the body. (read all at source)
- "there is no logical reason for it"
- "I would love to understand why it happened"
- "it's all very strange - I don't understand it"
- "it's inexplicable"
- "I do not know who did it"... (read all at source)
Nowhere is this more apparent than in dreams of injury, infection, and amputation where physical sensations accompany visual images. Try to recall where the pain was centered, and relate that body part to aspects of your life that are applicable. (read all at source)
When we try to get rid of them, we just redirect the energy from our conscious to our unconscious. Nightmares, body aches and ailments, or inexplicable mood swings are a few outlets for the unconscious mind which is containing these 'forgotten' emotions. (read all at source)
Most people think that dreams are mystical and are not applicable to this world. It is my job through this website to destroy the myth that dreams during our sleep are not as important as appear�ances that occur when we are awake! ... (read all at source)
A cable represents your stamina and durability. If you dream of a frayed or broken cable, then it means a lack of strength. (read all at source)
Cable Car
Dreaming of a cable car symbolizes your stamina and strength. If the ride was smooth and pleasant, you have the durability to succeed in your goals. If the cable was frayed or broken, this suggests a lack of strength or self-confidence. (read all at source)
Cable - Strength, durability, the ability to hold your own weight. Less used aspects of your psyche.
Cactus - Self protection. Thorny issues within your life often hidden away from sight. May be symbolic of your need to defend yourself in some way. (read all at source)
To dream of a large cable supporting a heavy weight denotes that you have a very hazardous job and is a... Continue dream interpretation - Cable"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Cackle... (read all at source)
A dream notes noticable improvements and setbacks in the dreamers health. Dreams will also show how the dreamer is dealing with and interacting with their treatment. If they are thinking negatively about the treatment. If they are enthusiastic about help and embracing the possibility of change. (read all at source)