Butter dreams by DreamMean
To dream of eating fresh, golden butter, is a sign of good health and plans well carried out; it will bring unto you possessions, wealth and knowledge.
To eat rancid butter, denotes a competency acquired through struggles of manual labor.
To sell butter, denotes small gain.
Butterfly Animal Symbolism
Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis. (read all at source)
Something beautiful, such as a delicate realisation that is fragile and easily destroyed. The butterfly also links with the caterpillar, and therefore the ability to transform and leave an old way of life behind, therefore transformation and the spirit. (read all at source)
Butterfly Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
A butterfly in a dream can represent freedom. If you dream of a butterfly, you may feel that society has placed too many restraints on you. (read all at source)
Transformation, transition, phases. Perhaps you have come through a transition (just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly), or perhaps transition is significant in your life right now. Carefree joy. Dreaming of this insect can represent:... (read all at source)
Butter dreams denote joy and feasting. We consider butter a natural, healthful product from the farm; therefore, most times, it is a good sign of health to dream of butter. (read all at source)
- butter can relate to the need for more love, affection and sexual relations, especially if you own buttert.
- Consume the butter, to the ancient dream books promise to good health.
- Perhaps the symbol that another factor to excessive self-interest or flattery of others, of whom one should beware. (read all at source)
To see a butterfly among flowers and green grasses, indicates prosperity and fair attainments.
To see them flying about, denotes news from absent friends by letter, or from some one who has seen them. To a young woman, a happy love, culminating in a life union. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a butterfly indicates your need to settle down. Butterflies also means creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be undergoing a transformation into a new way of thinking. (read all at source)
To see a butterfly among flowers and green grasses, indicates prosperity and fair attainments.
Butterfly... (read all at source)
Butterflies are symbols of transformation and so can be linked to a wish to transform yourself in some way. They are also very beautiful so maybe linked in some way to creative and artistic pursuits such as poetry. (read all at source)
The butterfly represents metamorphosis. In your dream, do you see the entire metamorphosis from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly? If you do, this may indicate a desire for a slow and carefully planned transition. Do you see the caterpillar and butterfly but no cocoon? (read all at source)
I had a box of butterflies,alot of them. Well I held up the box and opened it to set them free and they flew out but came right back into the box.
What does this mean? (read all at source)
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Butter :
Butter can symbolize a good experiences or luxury. Butter is always a good sign, no matter how it was. (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
Eating butter in a dream means enjoying one's earnings and using them for worthwhile projects, or it could mean profits from one's business. It is said that eating butter in a dream means visiting the holy land. (read all at source)
To see or taste butter in your dream, is a sign of good health. It may also denote that you will be very lucky in carrying out your plans which will bring you fortune, wealth and knowledge.
Buttermilk... (read all at source)
Butterfly - freedom; flighty, fragile; temporary glory; transformation
Flies - evil spirits, filth of Satan's kingdom; Beelzebub -'Lord of the flies'; live on dead things; occult
Grasshopper - destruction; drought, pestilence... (read all at source)
butterfly. Change, spiritual growth, and vulnerability
candle. Truth, wisdom, and intelligence.
cavern. Mystery, desire to explore the unknown, or creativity. (read all at source)
Dreams that feature butter symbolize good luck for the future.
Butterfly... (read all at source)
To dream of eating fresh, golden butter is a sign of good health and plans well carried out; it will bring unto you possessions, wealth and knowledge.
To eat rancid butter, denotes a competency acquired through struggles of manual labor. (read all at source)
A dream of a butterfly could be telling you to settle down and not to flit from person to person or it could have to do with social situations.. (read all at source)
Because of its mysterious transmogrification from a caterpillar, the butterfly is a universal symbol for intense transformation, usually for the better. If the butterfly is in the egg stage, the coming change is still but an idea. In the larva stage, a decision needs to be made. (read all at source)
Butter-symbolic of the blessing and friendship of God, Job 29:6
Butterfly-beauty or a socially adept person
Buzzard-a demon, Rev. 18:2 NLT... (read all at source)
Butterflytop list
Some say that the butterfly represents the spirit or the essence of the individual: the soul. Butterflies are generally symbols of transformation because they go through a metamorphosis. They are beautiful, evasive, and, at times, inspiring. (read all at source)
Butter in dreams can represent material comfort, the ending of disputes and happiness in relationships.
Buttercups ... (read all at source)
butterfly transformation; unfolding; taking many forms; socially flitting around; dressed beautifully. Who is trying to cut down on their butter?
button don't reveal a secret; taking it on the chin; mushrooms; someone is 'pressing your buttons'. What is round and will hold it altogether? (read all at source)
The butterfly in dreams is a symbol of freedom and a carefree spirit of beauty.
(From Dream Dictionary B back to Dreams Dictionary Main Page) (From Dream Dictionary B back to Dream Interpretation Dictionary Home Page)... (read all at source)
Buttermilk: Drinking buttermilk, denotes sorrow will follow some worldly pleasure,and some imprudence will impair the general health of the dreamer.
To give it away, or feed it to pigs, is bad still. (read all at source)
Butterflies are magical creatures of transformation and beauty. When you dream of butterflies you are undergoing transformation on a very deep level. Ask for support from your angels and guides as you become who you are meant to be.
buttons... (read all at source)
To see a butterfly in your dream, denotes your need to settle down. Butterflies also signify creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be undergoing a transformation into a new way of thinking. (read all at source)
A dream with a butterfly symbolizes freedom. It may suggest that you are unable to settle down, or that you have a light-hearted character.
A-Z Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
ButterfliesButterflies are beautiful and dreaming of one can represent a transformation. It could mean that you feel like you are emerging from an emotional cocoon and blossoming into your own. (read all at source)
Everything related to beauty and grace. They are an indication of prosperity and fair attainments.
Camel... (read all at source)
butterfly: Transformation, a life change, or sense of freedom. It can also mean a "flighty" personality vs. being down to earth, other aspects of the dream should help to discern the meaning.
C... (read all at source)
See Buttermilk.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project
See also: Neck , Magnifying-glass , Yacht , Zephyr , Gaol... (read all at source)
Cook butter in a dream - to success in business, it is - a well-paid job.
Dream Interpretation birthdays in September, October, November
Buy a dream jam - throwing good money after bad. (read all at source)
To see buttercups in your dream, refers to your childhood and past memories.
Butterfly... (read all at source)
[125] See Buttermilk.
To dream of milking, and it flows in great streams from the udder,
while the cow is restless and threatening, signifies you will see
great opportunities withheld from you, but which will result in final
favor for you. (read all at source)
This insect becomes a butterfly after spinning a cocoon. Suggestive of metamorphosis in its early stages, it is often associated with what is ‘bugging’ you that calls you to transform. Caterpillars also eat organic leaves to spin fine threads into silk. (read all at source)
The butterfly is a symbol of transformation; it represents a level of individual achievement. The caterpillar, on the other hand, may indicate that you are on your way but have not reached your goal. (read all at source)
Similarly, a warm milky drink at bedtime works very well as milk is high in tryptophan.
Foods high in carbohydrates: see above.
Foods high in fats: cream, high-fat cheese, meat, saturated margarine, butter, peanut butter, nuts, sausages, milk chocolate, and butter. (read all at source)
To see little children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies among the graves, denotes prosperous changes and no graves of any of your friends to weep over. Good health will hold high carnival.
To see chaff, denotes an empty and fruitless undertaking and ill health causing much anxiety. (read all at source)
If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of wealth, tradesman, or traveler, let her, on All-Hallow-e'en, take a walnut, hazelnut, and nutmeg; grate and mix them with butter and sugar into pills, and take when she goes to bed; and then, if her fortune be to marry a rich man,... (read all at source)
Yellow is a bright, happy color, the color of sunshine, of daffodils and buttercups. It represents joy, fun, laughing out loud. Negative - illness, as in jaundice and yellow skin. (read all at source)
The sacral chakra, which is located close to the stomach, is energized by this color and helps with assimilation / digestion of new ideas. When given good news, we can feel it here as butterflies in our stomach. When given overwhelmingly bad news, we feel it as if our stomach is in knots. (read all at source)
Churning Butter.
Daisy To dream of a bunch of daisys, implies sadness, but if you dream of being in a field where these lovely flowers are in bloom, with the sun shining and birds singing, happiness,... (read all at source)