Bus Driver
A bus driver indicates you have a leadership / teaching ability that works well with groups. It means this because a bus driver takes many people from where they are to where they need to be at the same time. (read all at source)
Bus Driver
To see a bus driver in your dream, indicates leadership in some group idea or plan. Things will go well if everyone cooperates. Alternatively, this dream may suggest that you are going around in circles. (read all at source)
Bus Driver - Suggests the person or internal aspect that control you or your destiny. A school bus driver may mean that through knowledge and learning you will advance rapidly in life, or will learn more about yourself through personal discovery. (read all at source)
I get an odd feeling about the bus driver but i'm not quite sure why. I walk towards the end of the bus and I see an old friend from my primary school, she wasn't someone i was particularly good friends with but we got along well,... (read all at source)
The bus stops behind an old building, the bus driver says u can go through that door to get to the restrooms and I'll be outside when you come back. so we walk through a dark store and find a huge restroom. (read all at source)
You specifically notice and remember the bus driver, but he/she does not seem to be playing a part of your dream subject - which is you and your friend on a bus that is not moving. The driver is your guide here. (read all at source)
For example, riding a bus with other people might represent working alongside others at your job, all working towards the same purpose (represented by the destination of the bus) with a leadership figure (the bus driver) in charge of direction. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a bus driver indicates leadership in some group idea or plan. It is symbolic of collective power. Alternatively, it suggests that you are going around in circles and have showed little progress. Dreaming that you are a bus driver, suggests that you are moving forward quickly. (read all at source)