If you have a dream about being buried alive, you may be feeling overwhelmed by stress or responsibilities. Being buried alive in a dream can also be a sign that you are repressing upsetting feelings, and that if you do not face them and learn to deal with them, eventually, they will overwhelm you. (read all at source)
To dream of yourself or someone else being buried alive, you are experiencing some emotional turmoil. If you dream of being buried in the earth (not in a coffin), you need to be more practical about approaching your goals. You can accomplish things, but you must learn to be more level headed. (read all at source)
Buried Alive
Find the meaning of your dreams about Buried Alive.
buried-alive.html... (read all at source)
Buried Alive
To dream that you are buried alive denotes that you are about to make a great mistake, which your opponents will quickly turn to your injury. If you are rescued from the grave, your struggle will eventually correct your misadventure.
Burns... (read all at source)
Bondage and tribulations if been buried alive - if the dreamer was buried, but still saw himself alive, then such a dream shows misery and troubles;... (read all at source)
To dream that you are buried alive. denotes that you are about to make a great mistake, which your opponents will quickly turn to your injury. If you are rescued from the grave, your struggle will eventually correct your misadventure. (read all at source)
Buried Alive
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are buried alive. denotes that you are about to make a great mistake, which your opponents will quickly turn to your injury. If you are rescued from the grave, your struggle will eventually correct your misadventure.. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Blows, Buried Alive, Hate, Bees, Scaffold, Wager, Escape, Skeleton, Rage, Jaws, Captive, Buzzard, Affrighted, Failure, Eye, Umbrella, Poison, Voice, Corpse, Letter
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Burial. another dream of contrary. You will no doubt have news of a marriage, be invited to a wedding, or hear of a birth. However, if your dream was one of being buried alive, it is telling you to avoid doing anything which you know or suspect to be even marginally unethical. (read all at source)