General Meanings:
Danger and Needs for sexuality Burglary often stands for a danger which you yourself have not noted, but still can not avoid. Besides if you suppress the sexuality too strongly in your waking life, here also can be expressed the need for sexual adventures. (read all at source)
These insecurities can be felt while awake as well. The person might hear more 'strange noises' at night, be worried about burglars, about the security of their home. These are all signs that the person is worried about the stability of the relationship. (read all at source)
If you dream of your home, locker or possessions being burglarized, your reputation will be attacked, but if you stand up for yourself things will work out fine. Accidents may happen to the careless after this dream.
Burial... (read all at source)
Burglar Intruder
Something we have heard; something which is trying to gain 'a hearing'; how we receive aural information - in one ear and out the other, or is it received and understood? (read all at source)
To dream that they are searching your person, you will have dangerous enemies to contend with, who will destroy you if extreme carefulness is not practised in your dealings with strangers. (read all at source)
If you dream of your home, or place of business, being burglarized, your good standing in business or society will be assailed, but courage in meeting these difficulties will defend you. Accidents may happen to the careless after this dream.
Burial... (read all at source)
Dreams About Burglars
What do dreams about burglars mean?
To dream that they are searching your person, you will have dangerous enemies to contend with, who will destroy you if extreme carefulness is not practised in your dealings with strangers. (read all at source)
The first day, I thought it got burglarized but it hadn't been. The second day, it seemed like it was and my brother was tied up on the stairs (we don't get along, that may have something to do with it).
I took a nap today, and once again had the dream. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation Burglars
To dream that they are searching your person, you might have dangerous enemies to contend with, who will destroy you if extreme carefulness is not practised in your dealings with strangers. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that they are searching your person, you will have dangerous enemies to contend with, who will destroy you if extreme carefulness is not practised in your dealings with strangers. (read all at source)
Burglary :
A burglary can be a warning telling you to lock the doors, etc. It can also mean that someone exploit you, or that you exploit others. (read all at source)
With this image, the dream is expressing the invasion of the dreamer's imaginative sphere by unconscious elements.
Burial... (read all at source)
To dream that they are searching your person, you will have dangerous enemies to contend with, who will destroy you if extreme carefulness is not practiced in your dealings with strangers. (read all at source)
Burglar-a sign of demonic activity surrounding your house and family intent on stealing your peace, Jn. 10:10
Burglarized-to have your property stolen or broken into during a dream is symbolic of a spiritual thief, Prov. 23:28
Burning coals-cleansing, Isa. 6:6, or kindness, Prov. 25:22... (read all at source)
If you dream of a burglar, you may feel that your personal space has been invaded.
Burning ... (read all at source)
burglar stealing energy or time from yourself or your family; stealth; deceit; taking what's not yours; may represent father. What is being stolen from you?
burlesque teasing; stripping away the outer surface; being sexually promiscuous; attention seeking. What is not being taken seriously? (read all at source)
- also see Dream Dictionary: Intruder
To dream of a burglar can suggest the dreamer feels violated in some capacity. It can also infer the dreamer feels they have lost some part of themselves to another (e.g. a toxic relationship).
Additional Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)
The Burglar represents one aspect of you that may be undermining another, as in working too hard and not being open to relationships, and so you dream of having your ring stolen. You may dream of having belongings stolen like a purse or wallet when your identity or job status is changing. (read all at source)
A dream where you are a burglar suggests that you are feeling drained in some part of your life. It may also imply that you are feeling like your personal ..Read more →
BURIAL ... (read all at source)
A burglar alarm symbolizes your immune system. For example, repeatedly trying to reset a burglar alarm in your dream can indicate an auto immune disorder such as multiple sclerosis (MS).
Burial Place... (read all at source)
KEY WORDS : Burglars, intrusive, personal criticism, disruptions, inappropriate... (read all at source)
An intruder, unwelcome person or event, loss of something. Being forcibly deprived by someone's actions.
The disintegration of something, loss, ending, beyond control. Emotion or anger dissipating. (read all at source)
burglar or intruder: Something unpleasant coming up from the unconscious or someone actually intruding into your life or stealing something precious from you. (read all at source)
Burglar - May symbolize something in your psyche that is trying to break into your consciousness. Those things that you feel are stolen away from you. Feelings of being emotionally or physically drained. (read all at source)
Chased by burglars or criminals: if the dream was in relation to being chased by burglars or criminals then you're looking to protect yourself from other people's actions in the future. If the chaser is cursing you or shouting words then you are feeling anger. (read all at source)
Burglar a warning about someone who may try to take advantage of the dreamer Cayce (195-51, A-2). see also Intruder Cake aggrandizement of physical appetites Cayce (900-94, A-6). Candle 1. singleness of purpose and heart Cayce (900-322, A-1). 2. (read all at source)
break up, break with, breakage, breakout, breath, breathe, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, breed, bridle, brighten, bring about, bring low, bring round, bring to terms, bring up, broken circuit, browbeat, brush, bulldoze, bully, bump, bunk, burglarize,... (read all at source)
To see or dream that you are a burglar, indicates that your energy is being sucked away from you. You are feeling drained. It may also mean that your fears, guilt, and anxiety make it hard for you to say no to others.
Burial... (read all at source)
The closest I can come to your dream is when I look up "Burglar", which means:
"A Dream of contrary. Burglars in your dream predict an increase in worldly goods, and if you caught them, it will probably be by way of an inheritance"... (read all at source)