Bump dream meaning

birdwitted, blond, blue book, blue darter, blue streak, bougie decimale, bow window, boyish, brand, break, break of day, breakable, breezy, briefing, bright, brighten, brighten up, brightening, brightness, brilliant, bring to light, British candle, brittle, broad, bubbly, bulletin, bump, buoyant,... (read all at source)

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She went into town hoping to bump into them. The news camera showing up symbolised the dreamer thinking about this big change in her life and anticipating what would happen next. (read all at source)

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Once I felt that there was more than just a "bump," I quickly put my hands down. Miniature centaurs were leaping out of my head and then off of my shoulders to the ground. (I was sitting at the time.) Then I turned around, once they were all out of behind my head, and saw them staring at me. (read all at source)

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the room is always different and i bump into someone i know always after he rushes out.but in the latest dream i bump into his wife whom i have never seen nor met in my life.she looks at me passively and says oh its you then.and i sort of feel sad for her.end of dream. (read all at source)

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Doing her hair in a barber shop - a dream from which can be ill or head on it would be some sort of bump or wound.
beautiful, expertly done hair style, which all come from the indescribable delight, - the dream portends great satisfaction and joy that can be delivered to people close. (read all at source)

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So what do most Christians believe in regard to dreams and visions? Well not a lot, other then how to treat a dream if we run into a dream or if we bump into someone who is sure they saw something from God in a dream. All too often, we treat them just the same way that Joseph's brothers treated him. (read all at source)

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Traditional interpretations tell us that if you hear a familiar melody, you may bump into old friends. Psychologically speaking, you may have heard a song during the day and in your dream state you are simply replaying it. (read all at source)

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A crash in an airplane dream can indicate that the dreamer has become too remote from the realities of life and is going to come down to earth with a bump.
If you are poisoned in your dream, it denotes that some painful influence will immediately reach you. (read all at source)

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I think she will get the sack so she will be really mad. She has some really dubious friends and though she will not be able to get at me in the workplace I will eventually bump into her in some cold dark and remote alleyway. I will be trapped!"... (read all at source)

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The stomach feels swollen.
Your partner was pregnant.
You are a man and you dream of being pregnant.
You are a man and you dream that a women you make love to is pregnant.
To feel that you are having a baby but unable to see the bump. (read all at source)

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