To dream that you are watching a bullfight, symbolizes the struggle between your animalistic desire and your spiritual side.
Bully / Bullying... (read all at source)
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To dream that you are watching a bullfight, symbolizes the struggle between your animalistic desire and your spiritual side.
Bully / Bullying... (read all at source)
Bullfight - Struggle between the inner self and outer ego. Using the masculine aspects to destroy other vital aspects of the psyche. (read all at source)
the jack, barrel, barren, barren land, barrens, battle, battle royal, bavin, beak, bed, bed down, besom, blot, boom, boondock, boondocks, borderland, boscage, bowl along, bracken, brake, break, breath, breeze, breeze along, bridle, broom, brush, brush by, brush off, brush-off, brushwood, bullfight,... (read all at source)
You have some tough competition facing you in business and/or love if your dream featured this animal, unless it was very light or white, in which case you'll have a stroke of great luck when you least expect it. If you dreamed of a bullfight,... (read all at source)