Buck dream meaning

Pearl S. Buck
Dream Quotations
Stories were full of hearts being broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream-whatever that dream might be. (read all at source)

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Buck-symbolic of a lover, fianc�, or husband, Song. 2:9
Bucket-if the bucket is flowing with water it symbolizes prosperity and life in the spirit, Num. 24:7
Buddha-to see Buddha in a dream is symbolic of someone who is filled with Buddhist religious influences... (read all at source)

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buck male sexuality; being thrown off your position; time to buck up; someone is 'passing the buck'; money matters. What are you resisting? (read all at source)

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antelope, buck, camel, camelopard, Cape elk, caribou, deer, deerlet, doe, dromedary, eland, fallow deer, fawn, gazelle, giraffe, gnu, hart, hartebeest, hind, kaama, moose, mule deer, musk deer, okapi, red deer, reindeer, roe, roe deer, roebuck, springbok, stag, Virginia deer, wildebeest
 ... (read all at source)

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In alchemy buck along with a unicorn mean the dual nature of Mercury, the philosophical mercury, nous. The Celts buck - the sun, the therapeutic character, fertility, virility; attribute of a warrior-hunter Kotsidiya and Ossian; image of the horned god Cernunnos. (read all at source)

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- "passing the buck"
- "I will just tell the truth"
- "it is my duty to tell on her"
- "she deserves what she gets!"
- "she doesn't deserve that!"
- a dilemma eg "If I say that I will point the finger at John which I do not want to do"... (read all at source)

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We could see the man and the woman coming together, the bull and the cow, the buck and the doe rabbit - we could see that. We could see what came of it - Life. We learned to let life express as us, in tears, anger, in joy and in feeling the wonder of living. From that I learned to create. (read all at source)

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Dear Deborah
This dream is about taking on responsibility, it would seem you are being asked to take on some kind of new responsibility, but the problem is the responsibility is not yours, it belongs to someone else who is trying to pass the buck.
Love and Light
Gypsy... (read all at source)

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