Bronze dreams by DreamMean
For a woman to dream of a bronze statue, signifies that she will fail in her efforts to win the person she has determined on for a husband.
If the statue simulates life, or moves, she will be involved in a love affair, but no marriage will occur. Disappointment to some person may follow the dream.
To dream of bronze serpents or insects, foretells you will be pursued by envy and ruin. To see bronze metals, denotes your fortune will be uncertain and unsatisfactory.
In general:
Bronze (for example characters, weapons) shows energy and drive, but also to the ruthlessness and selfishness, aggressiveness, ambition and greed to. (read all at source)
To dream of bronze serpents or insects, foretells you will be pursued by envy and ruin. To see bronze metals, denotes your fortune will be uncertain and unsatisfactory. (read all at source)
Dreaming of bronze, suggests that you need to provide more care to something. It indicates maintenance of beauty and health. (read all at source)
Bronze :
A bronze statue symbolize disappointment, otherwise will bronze symbolize insecurity. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
For a woman Dreaming of a bronze statue, signifies that she will fail in her efforts to win the person she has determined on for a husband. If the statue simulates life, or moves, she will be involved in a love affair, but no marriage will occur. (read all at source)
To see bronze (either the colour or the metal) in your dream, suggests that you need to give more care to something. It indicates maintenance of beauty and health.
Broom / Broomstick... (read all at source)
Bronze gate-symbolic of imprisonment, Ps. 107:16
Bronze wall-symbolic of strength, Jer. 1:18
Brook-a bubbling stream is symbolic of wisdom, Prov. 18:4... (read all at source)
The planetary sign of the sun (a circle with a dot in the center) is also an alchemical symbol of origin signifying completion of the Great Work. Furthermore, this sun symbol represents the Self in its relation to the cosmic whole. (read all at source)
Bronze - Concerns about your beauty and health. Trying to cover up the inner self with artifical beauty. {as in a tan}
Brook - May symbolize healing or reinvigoration; a relaxed flow of energy. (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream about a beautiful bronze ladder was linked to the dreamer about to be executed in real life. She lived in ancient Rome and was a Christian about to be executed for her Christian beliefs. (read all at source)