Bridges are interesting symbols in relationships. We often speak of "crossing" and "burning" bridges as representations of the opportunities and challenges of life.
Does the bridge cost anything to cross?
Is it a secure or precarious bridge to cross? (read all at source)
Stone bridges indicate financial improvement is on the horizon. A bridge made of brick means that life is yours for the taking. The message here is to live life to the absolute fullest!... (read all at source)
i am deathly afraid of bridges. and for the past feww weeks i have had the same dream where i get to the top of the bridge, and the other side is not there and i fall into the water. i am NEVER hurt in these dreams, but i always wake up sweating and panicking. (read all at source)
Bridges can also indicate reconciliation with others. In this case you are likely to know of the waking life issue and the person or persons involved. However, it is common to dream of the people with whom reconciliation is required. Sometimes the relevant person is shown in symbolic form. (read all at source)
Bridges often symbolise some crucial moment. If some decisive and crucial moment took place yesterday then the dream is about your emotions about that. If you have been thinking of some crucial decision that you need to make then the dream could represent that. (read all at source)
Bridges often signify travel and transitions. Dreaming of a bridge over water suggests you could be conflicted in your emotions. If the bridge was unsturdy or collapsing, this symbolizes problems in a friendship or love relationship.
Bridle... (read all at source)
Many bridges have arch shapes. Therefore, an arch in a dream can also represent a bridge, or a connection. It can represent a desire to form a new friendship or to reconcile with someone. (read all at source)
Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage.
To dream of a run-down bridge, indicates that you should not contemplate any major changes in your life at this time. (read all at source)
In any case, bridges like all transitions are the places of danger. So pay attention to symbols, the transitions to something, symbolize different and new, and try to consolidate these transitions and stabilize with affirmations and daydream technique, you are prepared to transit to the new way.
2. (read all at source)
Dreamed of bridges over the dark, muddy, dirty water - is to adverse changes in various spheres of life. Saw the catwalk on the street, on the pavement at night on a fast day - this dream may warn you about the risk of getting caught in a traffic accident. (read all at source)
Rainbows are colorful bridges that fall across the sky, but we can not walk across them (or use them to get to our pot of gold). Currently you may experience great joy and have extraordinary or even magical ideas, but remember that you can not walk across the rainbow bridge, so stay well-grounded. (read all at source)
To see a long bridge dilapidated, and mysteriously winding into darkness, profound melancholy over the loss of dearest possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you. (read all at source)
Because bridges most often span bodies of water, you may be trying to move from one emotional state to another. Consider the other elements in the dream. What's waiting for you on the other side of the bridge? What did you leave behind? (read all at source)
burn being 'burned up' about something; time to 'burn your bridges' and move on; let the past go; treated unfairly; exercising strenuously; hot tempered; sexual passion; destruction; high fever. Who is 'hot under the collar' or suffering from burn-out? (read all at source)
Trolls are known as devious and fearsome woodland creatures, and are especially known for living under bridges. A troll might represent the following things, relating to your current or recent life experience:... (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: burn a hole in your pocket; burn your bridges; burn the candle at both ends
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
An opportunity for building new relationships, meeting new friends, crossing new bridges. (read all at source)
This speaks of death to the flesh. It also speaks of giving up those things that hinder you in your work. Laying on the altar your sins and iniquity. It also speaks of 'burning your bridges' as Elisha did in burning his cattle and the plow upon the altar. (read all at source)
Academy - Learning experiences, regimentation. An opportunity for building new relationships, meeting new friends, crossing new bridges. (read all at source)
I have a recurring dream in which I am in an airplane that is flying, but is flying so low to the ground that it usually just comes to a rest on the ground. It flys along roads, under bridges like being in a car. (read all at source)
He was beginning to be aware of this. So if accurately translated the dream means "You have made a lots of preperations but your not willing or able to move forward". Bridges represent such crucial moments where you move forward and cross over. (read all at source)