Breeze Dreams
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Weather in a dream is often a reflection of your emotions, so a soft, gentle breeze in a dream usually symbolizes happiness and contentment. (read all at source)
actively, adown, ailing, air, alkali flat, all up with, alluvial plain, anthill, backset, bad, barrow, basin, beard, beat, beaten, beaver, bedfast, bedridden, below, below par, best, bested, blow down, blow over, blubber, blue, booked, bottomland, bowed-down, bowl down, bowl over, brae, breeze,... (read all at source)
In general:
Wind is normally attributed to the mind. A slight breeze therefore symbolizes love, while a stiff breeze can be a certain amount of aggressiveness. (read all at source)
Home - Dream - Breeze Air or draught
To feel any air or breeze on your face means that this indicates that you must be aware of external forces which can affect you want situation forward. To create a draft in your dream is literally the attempt to clear the atmosphere. (read all at source)
Breeze :
Breeze symbolizes luck and happiness. (read all at source)
To dream of a mild breeze is indicative of love, peace, and compassion. On the other hand, a stiff breeze suggests a certain degree of harshness.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Marriage... (read all at source)
To feel a breeze in your dream, represents the movement of ideas and minor changes. (read all at source)
A dream involving a breeze or wind is symbolic of purity. To feel breeze in a dream indicates that you have a calm mind.
BRIDE ... (read all at source)
Zephyr (soft breezes)
Dream interpretation - Zephyr (soft breezes)
When you dream of these it shows that you think more of love then you do of fortune and will spend... Continue dream interpretation - Zephyr (soft breezes)"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Zero... (read all at source)
Zephyr (soft breezes)
When you dream of these it shows that you think more of love then you do of fortune and will spend all to capture the object of your affections. If you are saddened by them then will your lover be away for a long period of time. (read all at source)
Example dream : A cold breeze in a dream was linked to an argument the dreamer had with her boyfriend. The cold breeze was symbolic of the emotional indifference her boyfriend had shown to her. (read all at source)
Felt I cant breeze and some people which I could not see was trying to suffocate me. (read all at source)
Zephyr is an ancient name associated with the West Wind, wind gods and gentle breezes. In the Botticelli painting The Birth of Venus, she is blown gently ashore upon a shell by the Zephyr wind-gods. (read all at source)
The sound of chimes, such as windchimes blowing in the breeze, can represent:
The existence of life
The passage of time
Spirit, the presence of Spirit, or the desire for support by Spirit
The idea of soul, or existence beyond the realm of the physical body... (read all at source)
As a creature of the wind, the dragonlfy totem represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather. (read all at source)
She was wearing her favourite flowered dress, as I walked toward her she spread out her arms and offered me a hug, so I went to her and as she hugged me I felt warmth and happiness, I saw bright flowers and sunshine and plants in the breeze. Then in an instant it was all gone. (read all at source)
Air represents wisdom and clarity of thought. As an element it symbolises spiritual concerns but in a dream may also be a warning of the dangers of losing contact with reality. As a breeze or wind it may represent the spirit that inspires us or the life force that animates us. (read all at source)
The fragrance of amber in a dream means a storm, wind, a breeze, or it could represent benefits coming from the direction one recognizes in the dream. (read all at source)
A brisk, steady breeze portends success in business enterprises.
3. Being caught up in an extreme form of wind such as a cyclone or tornado is a warning to get your affairs in order now if you don't want to have a lot of trouble later. (read all at source)
To see or ride a glider in your dream represents your tendency to go with the flow of things instead of taking your own initiative and making changes in your life. It may also mean that things are a breeze for you.
Glitter... (read all at source)
If you have something to babble in his defense the angry boss - in reality you are accused of hypocrisy and lies in a shallow ulichat.
hear babble young leaves on the branches of trees, the oscillation of a spring breeze, portends a happy way out of the predicament. (read all at source)
Breeze - Minor changes in your life. Those tasks that seem hard at first are really quite easy.
Bribery - You are easily influenced by others. Bribing someone may suggest you want your way and will do what it takes to have it. Or you may be too demanding, you expect too much for too little effort. (read all at source)