Boy dream meaning

American, Unitarianism E. Mis
When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. (read all at source)

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If you are female and dream that you see or are a boy, then it indicates that you are developing the masculine aspects of character. Alternatively, it may represent your feelings about a real-life boy who is important and significant to you. (read all at source)

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Boy / Boyfriend
To dream of a boy who you are crushing on in real life is usually just a straightforward reflection of your feelings for him. (read all at source)

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The boy is pointing at something in each dream. The only reason to point is to get you to look. In my opinion, the dream is trying to get you to look at your past - in other words, to remember something that would have occurred at about the same time that you originally saw him by the tree. (read all at source)

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- "My baby boy has suddenly become a little boy and is running around"
- "I work as a social worker and these children depend on me"
- "He needs me to do it for him"
- "I feel lost right now and need help"
- "That is so innocent and cute"... (read all at source)

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Boy :
If the boy was healthy this dream bodes well for the future. If he was hurt it is a bad sign. (read all at source)

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E.T.��important change
Family��important informarion
�@elder brother��bold behavior
�@Father��authority, your superiors
�@Husband��cause trouble
�@Mother��acknowledge, human relations
�@Sister��for man generousity, for woman arguments
�@youger brother��family discord... (read all at source)

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Boy Scout
To see a boy scout in your dream suggests that you or someone else has displayed praiseworthy behavior.
Brother... (read all at source)

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Boy Scout-helping others, civically minded
Brakes-symbolic of needing to slow down or stop doing something
Branch-symbolic of Christ, Zech. 3:8... (read all at source)

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Boy Scout
1. If you were the Boy or Girl Scout, you will soon be called upon to provide assistance for a friend or relative.
2. If a Boy Scout guides you somewhere, your intellect is leading you toward new experiences. (read all at source)

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boy younger, vulnerable self; remember or imagine feeling like a boy; excited and energized about something; going where the boys are. (See buoy) How is a situation from childhood repeating in your life? (read all at source)

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A schoolboy in a dream can represent open-mindedness.
If you dream about an altar boy, it can be a message from your unconscious that you need to ake things more seriously. (read all at source)

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The boy can portray innocence in applying traits that would be considered masculine. For example, assertiveness, aggressiveness and the masculine drive to achieve. A woman dreaming of a boy may be awakening to this potential within herself. (read all at source)

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A boy can indicate your male side or that you had issues with your father when you were the age of the boy in the dream. We each have both male and female aspects to ourselves. Dreams always encourage you to restore balance to this energy mix. (read all at source)

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Ex-boy/ girlfriend top list
It is very common for people to dream about ex-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. It is impossible to very dramatically shut the person out of thoughts and feelings. (read all at source)

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Dream interpretation - Altar-Boy
Performing his duties in the chancel of a church, he is a sign of good news from an un-expected source.... Continue dream interpretation - Altar-Boy"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Altitude... (read all at source)

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Boy akselerat dream to what your dreams are destined to remain just sweet dreams. They are not fulfilled, no matter how you try. The same dream, I saw on Friday, warning of the coming fight for their rights, for which someone would impinge. (read all at source)

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May be relating to one's youth. male). A woman's protective association with her mate. A woman's projection into her future.
A transition or transformation. Crossing a boundary, or getting from one situation to another. A place where change takes place. (read all at source)

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boy: Developing yang power.
bragging: Might suggest insecurities.
breath: The spirit and the measure of life. To take in something or to "breathe a sigh of relief."... (read all at source)

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Whipping Boy
To see a whipping boy in your dream, suggests that you are doing damage to yourself. Your reckless behaviour and activities will lead you to a road of self-destruction. You need to find your Self, who you are, and think about what you want to do with your life. (read all at source)

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elesbili. i Boy friend yami iphuphe inamajuba amhlophe amabili kodwa elilodwa labese liyafa. (read all at source)

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A 16-year-old boy reports dreaming: I am running, trying to get away from a tidal wave before it crashes over me. Finally, I realize it is hopeless. I turn around and let the full impact of the wave crash over me. Remarkably I stand up in spite of the wave's power. (read all at source)

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A newborn baby boy, can be a great sign about a new relationship with a man in your life. Often these dreams are interpreted as meaning a new baby or fertility and while sometimes that is true, normally they are about relationships themselves and a new man coming or new possibilities with a man. (read all at source)

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A dream with a boy can represent the potential for experience or growth in some aspect of your life. If you know the boy personally then he will represent some ..Read more →
BOYFRIEND ... (read all at source)

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I go and come back few times on that crossroad and every time i see more snakes and in one point I see a little child starting to run towards the green area full of snakes so i run, grab the kid an save it but a boy around age 16 saw the snake as well and he grabbed the circle were 3 snakes were and... (read all at source)

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I dreamt that my mother had given birth to two twins (girl and a boy). They were much smaller than normal babies, with hugely disproportionate heads. Nevertheless they would walk around and my mother kept telling me they were three. (read all at source)

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- Dream dictionary - worried about boy
- screaming devil dream
- Dream interpretation - emperor chased by people he has killed
- Fire extinguiser and suicide dream
- Dream - freinds scared to kill cobra and viper snake
- Crash wedding and - dream analysis... (read all at source)

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"Several years ago, when a boy, I had a schoolmate and friend, Willie T., between whom and myself there sprung up a mutual feeling of high regard. (read all at source)

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parent's house - place of security or familiarity, safe/familiar part of self party - leisure, dream might relate to social part of life boy-man - immature self, not fully grown Man - A- Adult self? (read all at source)

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When I came back I found him awake, sitting in the boy's bedroom in the chair by a sleeping Mark. He had obviously found an empty house and sorted out the only company he could find. His comforter firmly in his mouth, and a bag of toy animals in his hand, he was sitting quietly. (read all at source)

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This is a normal sign of puberty and something that just about every boy and girl goes through while growing up. The hormones that come with puberty also encourage a boy or girl to think about sexual thoughts. (read all at source)

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Mother will she tear your little boy apart
Oooh aah, mother will she break my heart
Hush now baby, baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna check out all your girl friends for you
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up till you get in
Mama will always find out where
You've been... (read all at source)

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Alcohol Aliens Baby Betrayal Boy Boyfriend Bug Chase Cheating Crazy Death Eating Falling Family Fighting Fish Friend Ghosts Girl Girlfriend Hiding Hospital Hot Air Balloon Kiss Lesbian Lions Movie Theater Moving Murder Old Friends Pregnant Running School Sister Smoking Snake Stars Suicide Teeth... (read all at source)

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The complex occurs when the young boy has feelings of resentment towards his father whom he sees as his rival. Perhaps the father may punish him by castration? Normally the Oedipus complex resolves itself before puberty.
Article Name... (read all at source)

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In a man's dream with his mother, the mother may express the desire he felt for her as a boy.
For a woman,if the dream is about her father, it may be an expression of her (repressed) childhhod desire for her father. A dream with her brother may be an animus symbol, her masculine qualities. (read all at source)

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Puppies are symbolic to me because they are so playful and affectionate! And have you ever seen a movie when you see a boy and it's trusty companion,a puppy,become a hero to a town but once the puppy is gone,the luck seems to go away too? What other explaination is there?! :)... (read all at source)

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If you are dreaming of giving birth, it means that there is something new that you are busy entering into in the spiritual realm. A baby speaks of a new life and a new aspect in your life and ministry. A baby boy often speaks of a teaching and leadership type of ministry,... (read all at source)

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Primordial form of the spirit(soul); embodiment of the image creating activity of the unconscious. Depending on its massage or wisdom, it may represent the archetypal Wise Old Man or Woman. The spirit may also appear as a gnome, or boy, or talking animal. (read all at source)

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In the dream, this goo-man proceeded to kill off all the kids until the boy finally stopped him. After seeing that episode, I had nightmares about the purple goo-man killing off my friends. The dreams were never exactly the same; it was more like having my own television show in my head. (read all at source)

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Freud claimed that this represented a boy's incestuous desire for his mother and jealousy towards his father. Similarly Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore unconsciously believe that she has been castrated by her mother and is now an incomplete male. (read all at source)

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