Dreaming of a bookshelf, represents the various levels of your mind where ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. It also suggests your need to acquire some information or knowledge in a situation before making your decision. (read all at source)
Bookshelf :
A full bookshelf symbolizes knowledge, while an empty bookshelf symbolizes unemployment. (read all at source)
To see a bookshelf in your dream, represents the various levels of your mind where ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. It also suggests your need to acquire some information or knowledge in a situation before making your decision. (read all at source)
Bookshelf - Storing information that may provide valuable insights later on. Are you taking heed of such wisdom? May represent the various levels of your mind where ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. (read all at source)
IF you are searching a bookshelf for a certain kind of book, that signifies that in life as well you are searching for knowledge and wisdom of some sorts and just don't know what exactly you are looking for. (read all at source)