Bolts dream meaning

Bolts dreams by DreamMean
To dream of bolts, signifies that formidable obstacles will oppose your progress.

If the bolts are old or broken, your expectations will be eclipsed by failures.

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If the bolts are old or broken, your expectations will be eclipsed by failures. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of bolts, signifies that formidable obstacles will oppose your progress. If the bolts are old or broken, your expectations will be eclipsed by failures.. (read all at source)

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A dream containing bolts and nuts symbolizes a means of better understanding. If you are bolting a door in the dream then it implies you are trying to shut out ..Read more →
BOMB ... (read all at source)

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This element is the presence of punishment, divine wrath, which appear in the form of lightning bolts and personified the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where was struck by lightning? If someone was seriously injured while? Where did the lightning and at what point? (read all at source)

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I am standing on an African plains facing the silhouette of elephants on the horizon line, them facing towards me it's either sunset/or sunrise so there is a gorgeous orange light, bolts of lighting strike near the elephants and I can see they are painted with fluorescent markings. (read all at source)

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It's depicted with thunderbolts in each talon. In my mind, this seems like a phallic reference would bolster sexual energy as well as warrior status (energy, thrust, courage, bravery, fearlessness). I get a confirmation of this by Zeus's strong affiliation with the eagle in myth. (read all at source)

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Jupiter in Roman mythology, the ruler of the gods and humanity; associated with lightning and thunderbolts;, husband of Juno, identified with the Greek god, Zeus. How are things going with your father? (read all at source)

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A bolt in an item such as an electrical appliance often indicates that you have a male influence around you at the moment, and this will provide you security in the future. If you dream of engineering and bolts, this symbolizes that you must persevere with a project in the near future. (read all at source)

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chain lightning, courser, dark lightning, dart, eagle, electricity, express train, fireball, firebolt, flash, flying flame, forked lightning, fulguration, fulmination, gazelle, greased lightning, greyhound, hare, jet plane, Jupiter Fulgur, levin bolt, light, mercury, oak-cleaving thunderbolts,... (read all at source)

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