Depending on your experience with them, boats can represent riches, travel, isolation, danger, romance, or complete and utter frustration. Rowboats and canoes are often found on fairly placid lakes and streams. (read all at source)
To see ships or boats in one's dream has a range of meanings. In a nutshell, any dream in which these symbols are featured provides a greater insight into your subconscious mind. (read all at source)
Boats, buses and trains, in which you are a ‘passenger,’ suggest how you are following a course that is not self-directed and not easily changed. (read all at source)
Boats or Ships
Matthew 13:2 "And great crowds had gathered together for him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore." (GMR)
Get your Hands on the Most Comprehensive Teaching available on the:... (read all at source)
Sailboats - powered by wind of the Spirit
Semi-truck - transporting great quantity of goods
Spaceship - to the outer limits, spiritually speaking... (read all at source)
Boats tend to link to issues involving continuous excitement and emotional momentum. They may link to parties and friends that we have had or are about to have. They link to the other things that excite us such as ideas, books, and work projects. (read all at source)
BoatsWhen you have a dream involving a boat, you usually have emotional issues such as relationship or interpersonal conflicts weighing heavily on your mind. For example, if you find yourself in a difficult relationship, you may dream of being on a cruise with your significant other. (read all at source)
Boats - May symbolize some aspect of the feminine, either with a plainly sexual reference or with reference to the unconscious. May symbolize transition if the boat is crossing a narrow stretch of water. (read all at source)
boats or ships: Your journey through life with its rough and smooth places. The movement across deep emotions. The emotions that you are navigating. Note the roughness of the seas and the condition of the boat, for this may give you an indication of how you are doing on your journey at the moment. (read all at source)
Like cars, boats in dreams can come in all sizes, shapes, and degrees of power. If you are rowing or sailing your own boat, you feel in control of a situation or transition. If you are a passenger on a ferry or other boat, you don't feel you can control what happens. (read all at source)
A per se, ace, ace-high, administrator, anaglyph, ascendant, at the head, auditor, bad, bang-up, bas-relief, Big Brother, big cheese, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, boatswain, bonzer, bow, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bully, bump, bunch, burl, but good, button, bwana, cacique, cahot, cameo,... (read all at source)
There were many boats in the water, none remarkable. While walking I began to distance myself from her and for an unknown reason my wallet fell into the water. It opened up and the contents started to sink. I got on my belly and was able to save a few things but the rest were sinking fast. (read all at source)
From there, I went to the top of some rocks that were higher on the Island and I looked down towards the west and saw two small boats. They were saying, the one to the other, "what would happen when the waves from the sea and rocks of the sea crash upon the island. (read all at source)
I, and others, engage in the activity of sailing our boats alone as in: without crew, solo. The common term for us is "Single Handers". We...
Symbolic Octopus Meanings - Creative Inquiry
Hi Avia,
I just wanted to say thank you for explaining the symbolism of the octopus on your web-site. (read all at source)
Lastly, if ships or boats can dock at the pier it can also be about your birth. Another word for dock is berth so this is a pun on birth. Dreams about birth will invariably show your spiritual abilities as you have these from day one. (read all at source)
Stay away from planes, trains, buses, boats, or dangerous walking, such as hiking in the mountains, for at least a day after you have the dream, and preferably for a week. If you must go, take a cell phone with you (in case you must call for help), as well as first aid supplies. (read all at source)
What was happening in the water dream - Who was around you, Where you playing?
How did you feel when you woke up from sleep?
Did you remember seeing any symbols like life jackets, boats etc.
How do you feel in your walking life?
Where you scared in the dream or happy? (read all at source)
if not all fulfilled expectations; because they lead who used them, that means the fowler, although the birds by far and wide too, but some of them escaped even the limed twigs. The so-called clouds and everything else there is on networks for bird hunting, have the same meaning as the tugboats and... (read all at source)