boardroom dream interpretations
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Complete meanings of dream's symbols... (read all at source)
Dream Dictionary
To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are opening a cupboard means that you are revealing some hidden truth or secret. (read all at source)
To dream of a dartboard suggests that you are angry with someone. You should find a way to express these negative feelings in a more pertinent manner. The dartboard could also represent some hope or aspiration you have. (read all at source)
If you dream about cardboard, this is a sign that you should accept a positive new opportunity which is coming your way.
Cards... (read all at source)
To see in your dreams writing in white chalk on a blackboard, denotes ill tidings of some person prostrated with some severe malady, or your financial security will be swayed by the panicky condition of commerce.
Blacksmith... (read all at source)
A notice board was symbolic of new changes in the dreamers own emotions. You may have become aware of changes. Its just about you comparing and contrasting your own changing world and feelings.
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
skating or boarding
Skating, skateboarding, or snowboarding can represent:... (read all at source)
To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or poverty and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:... (read all at source)
chalk or chalkboard
Communication or expression, perhaps a temporary message or feeling
School, teaching, learning, or something else you associate with a classroom or chalkboard... (read all at source)
Dream " K " Keyboard
The interpretation of the dream "Keyboard"
Modern dream interpretation... (read all at source)
Share Your experience on dreaming about Blackboard symbol.
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To dream of pasteboard, denotes that unfaithful friends will deceive you concerning important matters. To cut pasteboard, you will throw aside difficulties in your struggle to reach eminent positions. (read all at source)
Posting (Notice Board)
Psychological Meanings:
Message This means that your soul was repressed? When you see the poster in the dream, then this is usually a coded message of your unconscious. (read all at source)
I took a right turn through a swinging door, straight ahead of me was another swinging door (the space between them was short)To the right, down a distance was a pile of empty cardboard boxes which I jumped into. I sensed him coming in the door, but then woke up. (read all at source)
Board :
A full board symbolizes luck. If you dropped it you might do something stupid. (read all at source)
Boarding House
To dream of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence.
Boa Constrictor... (read all at source)
board boredom; dive in; a person on a board; neglecting something; paying for your meals. Who is not being 'above board'?
boat you are riding on the surface of your emotions; missing the boat; in with someone. Who isn't in any hurry? (read all at source)
Boarding House or Hotel - suggests we may not feel secure in our living conditions
Castle, Fortress, Citadel - defended space: represents the feminine or the Great Mother
Church, Temple etc - any religious building can be interpreted as a place of sanctuary... (read all at source)
Cupboard - Respiratory system
Customs post - Answering questions at: see Exams undergoing.
Cycling - Heart, circulatory system, emotions... (read all at source)
When the dream focuses on the cupboard, you are exploring what you are doing to have your needs met. Dishes relate to 'setting a place' or finding internal direction in being more fulfilled. Cups often symbolize the idea of reward as in 'my cup runs over. (read all at source)
To dream that you are opening a cupboard, signifies that you are revealing some hidden truth or secret.
To see curlers in your dream, suggests that you are thinking in circles. You may be going over the same problem/situation again and again without any conclusion. (read all at source)
Cupboard: To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort,or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and fullof shining ware, or empty and dirty.
- See Safe. (read all at source)
To see a washboard in your dreams, is indicative of embarrassment. If you see a woman using one, it predicts that you will let women rob you of energy and fortune. A broken one, portends that you will come to grief and disgraceful deeds through fast living. (read all at source)
Billboard-a sign or warning marker, something you need to see and pay attention to in a dream, Isa. 8:1
Binoculars-symbolic of seeing beyond your present situa�tion
Biohazard-to see a biohazard sign in a dream is a warning of deadly things in your life... (read all at source)
A cupboard in a dream can either symbolize pleasure or distress. It depends on the condition of the cupboard, e.g. is it clean, dirty, full or empty?
CUT / CUTTING ... (read all at source)
Rub Board- Rough: Hard correction; weariness; (as in "the wash woman is worn out). Not diplomatic;
Rug- Covering- deception or covering things up (as in sweeping things under the rug) Covenant; Holy Spirit. (Mark 4:22, 2 Corinthians 4:2)... (read all at source)
To see or use a washboard in your dream, signifies embarrassment. You may be feeling emotionally and/or physically drained.
To see a broken washboard, signifies grief and disgrace as a result of living on the fast lane. (read all at source)
Billboard - A message from your unconscious that you need to take note of in your path toward your goals. Playing games. Are you or is someone else palying games in your life?
Billiards - May represent your competitiveness. Too much attention to winning. (read all at source)
At our boarding-place there was at the time a quartette of us grass widowers, as we called ourselves, and in order to pass away the time pleasantly we had organized a `grass widowers' euchre club. (read all at source)
Well, soon as I lifted up that board they all jumped out of that hole and came after me. By this time the village was full of water and the river is now flooded with muddy water. I found myself ran as these snakes were chasing me. I ran and jumped over the river. (read all at source)
I'm driving when suddenly I try to dodge something, and end up going up the tallest skateboard ramp ever. It seems as if we will never stop going up. Then the truck starts falling back down, I'm scared, then my mother falls out of the truck. (read all at source)
And we stayed up gluing these things to a poster board and I kept thinking it wasn't really 3D. And then I had a dream that night. The perfect model would have been to to have all these things floating inside a ziploc bag full of jello. (read all at source)
Ouija To dream of working on an ouija board, foretells the miscarriage of plans and unlucky partnerships. To fail to work, one is ominous of complications, caused by substituting pleasure for business. If it writes fluently, you may expect fortunate results from some well-planned enterprise. (read all at source)
Soon, everybody is onboard with the Salmon - even if the idea seems too hair-brained to work. Generous, intelligent, and intuitive, it's no wonder why the Salmon has no shortage of friends. (read all at source)
There were no dials or controls, just a silver dashboard with buttons I couldn't read. The plane was flying over the ocean and huge waves were forming, I wondered if they would reach the plane. Then the plane approached mountains and flew into turbulence. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation of plane can suggest difficulty boarding the plane may reflect anxieties about, or reluctance in, pursuing a particular plan, although missing a plane is a common anxiety dream. (read all at source)
In this day and age, you don't need a board or wet suit to surf, just a computer and an Internet account. Does the net in your dream symbolise a desire to access mountains of information or communicate freely? (read all at source)
Does what you create on your vision board begin its manifesting journey at night as the conscious mind recedes and the true power, the subconscious, takes over? (read all at source)
To add further meaning, note whether you are just boarding the plane, which might indicate the desire for change as opposed to being on the plane as being in the process of change. Note feelings here because they will tell you something about what is going on with you regarding the meaning. (read all at source)
I was in a house where the doctors of the law were and I had to go to the bathroom (pee.) As I was looking for the door that went to a bathroom, I opened a cupboard door. (read all at source)
Without other people, your ministry vision cannot get off the ground. So how do you get others on board?
Not everyone is a "natural born leader" so if you are struggling in getting people to follow, you are not alone!... (read all at source)
whatever is currently "cooking" or developing in your life. If the food is plentiful, you have what you need. If the cupboard is bare, time to go shopping for new nourishment, and you need to figure out what is needed for that "shopping list."... (read all at source)
When beetles appear in a dream great care is advisable. Ants, spiders and cockroaches, particularly when they appear in larger numbers or even stream out of a cupboard or the kitchen cooker, are danger signals of the highest order. (read all at source)
The strange thing is that once up I immediately called nearly crying, and I caught him as he was turning off his phone to board a plane (he was going on a bussiness trip). It's probably not a coincidence that I am TERRIFIED of flying, but I thouht my dream was just too complex to be just that... (read all at source)
If the blackboard in your dream is written in chalk, this is a sign that you must be prepared to receive bad news about a risky investment. The blackboard is a sign that you do not have to trust your friends too much, as some of them are not really your good friends. (read all at source)
"Dock. To dream of seeing the dock from on board a ship portends a surprising and beneficial turn of events. A dream of a busy dock or dockyard indicates an increase in material wealth; but if you were alone on a dock or observed a deserted dockyard, the prediction is one of sadness". (read all at source)