bluebird dream symbol
Optimism, happiness, contentment. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Optimism, happiness, contentment. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Dreaming of Bluebirds
Lucy came to see me as a result of grief. She recently lost a close friend to cancer and was having difficulty coming to terms with the void in her life. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a bluebird, symbolizes both happiness and sadness. It is also an indication of purification and resolution to the opposing conflicts/paradoxes in your life. (read all at source)
To see bluebird in your dream, symbolizes both happiness and sadness.
Buzzard... (read all at source)
Bluebird-order, obedience, Jer. 8:7
Bluffing-symbolic of not thinking something through, Prov. 21:29
Blushing-symbolic of embarrassment or shame, Jer. 6:15... (read all at source)
Like the bluebird of happiness, it is associated with hope, while a group of birds can suggest migratory behavior or following the crowd while still following instincts. Seeing birds in flight suggests following your drummer and to only believe in your success to make it happen. (read all at source)
blue you have 'true blue' friends; peace and tranquility; watch out for that bluebird of happiness; unexpected news; indecent jokes. Who is feeling sad?
board boredom; dive in; a person on a board; neglecting something; paying for your meals. Who is not being 'above board'? (read all at source)