I dreamed that I was sleeping in my bed, once I turned I saw a blue jay flying over my bed and steering at me, I turned and I saw that it was now standing on one of my furnitures.. (read all at source)
Blue Jay
Blue jay in your dream represents your adaptability to situations in life.
Bluebird... (read all at source)
" When have you cried like your heart is broken and had no empathy from those who should care? The appearance of a bird in a dream may be a signal that the dreamer is exploring spirituality. A blue jay also suggests someone with passion, great energy and resilience.
All the best... (read all at source)
blue jay dream symbol
blue jay
Power, assertiveness, standing up for yourself and your needs. Bullying or inappropriate use of power. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Blue Jay Animal Symbolism
Like the crow, magpie and raven, blue jays are talkative creatures utilizing a wide range of vocalizations to express their opinions. Indeed, their speech abilities are so advanced, that they are able to mimic other birds and even humans. (read all at source)
Blue Jay
To see a blue jay in your dream, indicates that you are over-confident and being too arrogant. Alternatively, a blue jay may be trying to call attention to something which you have overlooked. (read all at source)
A blue jay in your dream can be a message to you that you have been neglecting something important in your life. It may also mean that you are being too arrogant.
Dreaming of a bomb can mean that you are afraid that your happiness is going to be destroyed. (read all at source)
all sorts, argala, assemblage, assortment, Audubon warbler, auk, auklet, avocet, babbler, bald eagle, baldpate, bank swallow, barbet, barn owl, barn swallow, barnacle goose, big talker, bill collector, bittern, blab, blabber, blabberer, blabbermouth, blackbird, blackcap, blatherer, blue jay, booby,... (read all at source)
blue jay
Power, assertiveness, standing up for yourself and your needs. Bullying or inappropriate use of power. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)