Attempt to protect yourself, especially emotionally. Tiredness or exhaustion due to external pressures.
Category(s): Conditions Parts of the Body... (read all at source)
A dream that you have a blister on your hand you may be feeling irritable or you may be lacking self-confidence.
A dream about a blister on your foot can be a message from your unconscious that you need to be more decisive. (read all at source)
blister dream symbol
Attempt to protect yourself, especially emotionally. Tiredness or exhaustion due to external pressures. (read all at source)
abscess, air bubble, aposteme, assail, attack, balloon, bed sore, bilge, birthmark, blackhead, bladder, blain, blaze, bleb, blemish, blob, blood blister, boil, boss, bow, brand, bubble, bubo, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, bunion, burl, burn, burn in, burn off, button, cahot, canker, canker sore,... (read all at source)
Blisters, pains, sores or any discomfort of the heels is a warning that you are in danger of being exploited by... Continue dream interpretation - Heels"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Heir... (read all at source)
To dream that you have a blister suggests that some minor problem is draining your energy and time. To dream that you got the blister from hard labor means you need to make more effort to overcome your little problems. (read all at source)
To dream that you have a blister, indicates that some minor annoyance or problem is draining your energy and time. Consider how you may have gotten the blister. (read all at source)
If dreamed that blisters on the feet deliver you discomfort - Know: Your enemies are not asleep. You got rid of corns? You'll get a large inheritance from a relative, whose existence was hardly guessed.
Modern dream interpretation... (read all at source)
The rest of it's body was pink and covered with yellow blisters. The elephant walked up to the pastor in the audience and said "Do you remember me? I remember you. An elephant never forgets." Then the elephant kicked and trampled the poacher pastor to death. (read all at source)
I remembered and reflected on old childhood hurts and worked through several emotional issues. I also resumed my daily 'quiet time' to reconnect with my spiritual centre. Coincidentally, I had an occasion to wear my black flats and ended up with a blister on my heel. I promptly gave the shoes away. (read all at source)
If you had blisters on your heels or they are painful it is someone that will try to exploit you. If you lost the heel on your shoe can this mean the end of a long relationship. If you fastened a heel you can get embarrassed. (read all at source)
(Blister beetle) A Spanish fly is a bad omen if seen in a dream by someone who indulged in abominable and loathsome actions. As for the majority of people, seeing a Spanish fly in a dream is more ominous. (read all at source)
while I was there I started to develop some sort of sores that almost look like blisters all over my legs,arms,and hands,in my dream they would swell up and pop so that half of my skin tore away and that I could see inside my skin.they just started popping one after another. (read all at source)