Dreams will link with any aspect of a dream symbol. Think of any association you can and the dream symbols symbolic meaning may link to that. Some people associate black men with being streetwise and so a black man dream may link to that theme. (read all at source)
"He answered my prayer, for one night I had a dream, and in that dream a big, black man appeared to me and told me what to mix up in my hair. (read all at source)
Black man a truth which is submerged and still in one's own unconscious (dreamer was a white female, age 48) Cayce (106-10, A-2). Black woman a truth which is submerged and still in one's own unconscious (dreamer was a white female, age 48) Cayce (106-10, A-2). (read all at source)
If the thief is a black man, it means that the illness relates to one's black bile. If the color of his skin is red, then it relates to one's blood. If the color of his skin is yellow, then it relates to his galls. If the color of his skin is white, then it relates to his chest and phlegm. (read all at source)
I do remember one time though when a black man I knew had grown up feeling uncomfortable around blacks (not having been exposed to other blacks when growing up) so when he dreamed of a black person, it had a negative connotation to him. (read all at source)
If you are not attracted to black man then you are not going to end up with a black man. You can dream about anything, doesn't mean it will happen. I once dream that I had sex with my sister, and of course I would never do something like that, so don't worry about it. (read all at source)
Adamite, adherent, adult, American Indian, Amerind, amoroso, angwantibo, anthropoid ape, ape, appendage, appoint, arm, armor, armor-plate, Australanthropus, Australian aborigine, Australopithecus, aye-aye, baboon, bank, Barbary ape, barricade, battle, beau, being, benedict, bishop, black, black man,... (read all at source)