Black dog dream meaning

Black dog means disloyal friends - Dreaming of black dog or any of dark hair can indicate that the dreamer will face betrayal from his friends;... (read all at source)

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My dream: The part I remember is being in school and coming across 3 boys who were carrying little black dogs (they were like staffies). I stopped and said that they couldn't have dogs in school and ended up with one of the dogs in my arms. He was wrapped in a blanket. (read all at source)

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A black dog could be something hidden—the unaccepted side of yourself (similar to the Shadow archetype and may very well be the Shadow, if the dog is a male in a male's dream or female in a female's dream). Winston Churchill called his depression "The Black Dog. (read all at source)

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Black Dog Animals represent the dreamer's animal instincts (or human nature), sex, aggression, paternal or maternal instincts, social status, etc. The choice of animal, its color and location indicate how the instinct is regarded. (read all at source)

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big black dog dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)

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A black dog is a nocturnal creature found in the United Kingdom, connected with evil and death. This dog is normally associated with storms and bad weather. In the Greek mythology, Orion the great hunter had a dog named Sirius. (read all at source)

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Example dream : A black dog running away dream linked to the dreamer being annoyed with her sister. She had erased all the data on her computer and just didn't care.
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer loses her dog was symbolic of problems in her marriage. (read all at source)

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Each animal has also his own significance: an owl could indicate bad news, death or sickness, a friendly dog can represent a good friend, a snake can be a mean enemy, a bird will herald some good news, a horse means victory, an agressive threatening black dog can present itself as the guardian of... (read all at source)

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So a hot dog would be quite different to a black dog, dog-end or dead dog. So when you read an entry which has several different meanings, sometimes with a ‘;' between, it simply means any one of them could apply. (read all at source)

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Bk @ 2012-11-30 05:24:29
I dreamt that a snake sneeked in to the room and killed my friend's pet black dog. Saw vividly how it ate the head of the dog.
We (my two friends and me)jumped from the first floor balcony and saved ourselves.
What does this mean? (read all at source)

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