If you are not bisexual and dream that you are, then it may indicate some sexual repression. It doesn't necessarily mean you have bisexual feelings in your waking life. You may simply be trying to compensate for your lack of sexual expression in real life, by dreaming about sexuality. (read all at source)
Freud was a great advocate of the bisexuality of all persons. It was no surprise to him when he studied dreams in which romantic content existed that was contrary to the dreamer's usual sexual preference. Many times, this romance is a form of "mirroring."... (read all at source)
A bisexual dream experienced by a straight person may have a variety of connotations. The interpretation of this dream (as with all others) is very personal, therefore generalizations are difficult to make. (read all at source)
bisexual pay more attention to your same sex friends and what they are showing you about yourself that needs further development; being too traditional and stodgy. Who is confusing sexuality and love? (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If the dreamer sees himself/herself as bisexual person when in real life is not, the main explanation of this dream foretells about your sexual suppressions. Sometimes we are afraid to express our needs only because we try to avoid the rejection. (read all at source)
If you are not bisexual and dream that you are, then it may indicate some sexual repression. You may be trying to compensate for your lack of sexual expression. Alternatively, it may represent general sexual confusion or simply your personal desires.
*Please see Buffalo... (read all at source)
Bisexual Teen Question - How do I ask a girl out
Readers' Stories of the Paranormal
Tia's Coming Out Story
Country Encounters 2 - Kenny Rogers - by Sarah Schreck - Country Music
Paranormal Story Archive - September 2001 - Page 49 - When I Met an AlienGirl... (read all at source)
afraid, Ancona, Andalusian, anemic, asthenic, auntie, Australorp, aviation badge, baby, back out, badge, Bantam, banty, bar, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, big baby, bi-guy, bisexual, black Minorca, black Spanish, black Sumatra, bloodless, blue Orpington, boggle, Brahma, broiler, brooder,... (read all at source)
Difficult bisexual character. Lamp, hanging on a cord, is one of the main characters of the penis. Therefore, a lampshade, as part of such a lamp, often seen as a symbol of male genitalia. However, we must consider the shade and of itself. (read all at source)
Bisexuality - every human being has both female and male sides of his personality and one of it is usually more seen, depending on the gender. Bisexuality in dreams can show the actual bisexuality of the dreamer. (read all at source)