If you see birds flying, then it is a common characteristic of lucid dreaming. If in your dream there is a flying flock of birds, it often means that you have unlimited possibilities and freedom of choice, which will help you in the waking life. (read all at source)
It is a favorable dream to see birds of beautiful plumage. A wealthy and happy partner is near if a woman has dreams of this nature.
Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth.
To see a wounded bird, is fateful of deep sorrow caused by erring offspring.
To see flying birds, is a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. All disagreeable environments will vanish before the wave of prospective good.
To catch birds, is not at all bad. To hear them speak, is owning one's inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception.
To kill than with a gun, is disaster from dearth of harvest. (read all at source)
In ancient times birds were seen as the symbol of freedom. They were the vehicle by which the soul was taken to heaven. Thus, to dream of a bird generally is acquainted with either a desire for freedom or a current sense of freedom. (read all at source)
To dream that you have wings, foretells that you will experience grave fears for the safety of some one gone on a long journey away from you. To see the wings of fowls or birds, denotes that you will finally overcome adversity and rise to wealthy degrees and honor. (read all at source)
The birds in your dreams may be a premonition of something to come, or merely a way to make your more aware of your life and proposals for what the future holds. (read all at source)
Birds often symbolize goals or ideals as they are something we usually have to look up to. This is true even if the bird in the dream is on the ground or dead. (read all at source)
Dream "Cage with birds"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
cchactlivaya cemeynaya life; pyctyyu kletky - pazdop in ceme. (read all at source)
The appearance of a bird in a dream could indicate you wish to be free, to fly away, or to flee from something. Because birds fly through air, when you dream of a bird you may be receiving messages about detaching from a situation so you can see it from another angle or perspective. (read all at source)
Birds - if flying high, good luck. If flying low, bad luck. If singing, success.
Boat - a fortunate journey.
Book - sought-after wisdom is within reach.
Bread - material well-being.
Bridge - if crossed, a happy solution to a problem.
Cabin - Comfortable retirement. (read all at source)
To dream of flying birds, represents joy, prosperity, and harmony.
To see birds hatching in your dream denotes that your prospects will brighten after a period of difficulties. (read all at source)
Category: Birds
General Meanings: Many people find vulture as an unpleasant animal, colloquially this word also used for greedy people. In Indian dream interpretations vultures are just the opposite interpreted as symbols for benevolent people who support own intentions. (read all at source)
Because birds fly, they can be representative of higher thought, inspiration, conscience, hopes and your ability to transcend limitations. The behavior and well-being of birds in a dream will portray your current sense of optimism in these areas. (read all at source)
A dream where you see a bird or birds can suggest that you are feeling free or releasing your inhibitions in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream may ..Read more →
BIRTH ... (read all at source)
To see birds hatching in your dream, symbolizes delayed success.
To see a bird nest in your dream, symbolizes independence, refuge and security. You need something to fall back on. Alternatively, it may signify a prosperous endeavor, new opportunities, and fortune. (read all at source)
We therefore have personal associations and feeling responses to pets we might dream about. See excellent example of this in the example under ferret. See: ape below; birds; creatures; pets; reptiles and snakes; the unconscious. (read all at source)
To dream of seeing birds' nests, denotes that you will be interested in an enterprise which will be prosperous. For a young woman, this dream foretells change of abode.
To see an empty nest, indicates sorrow through the absence of a friend. (read all at source)
In the ancient world, people believed that birds resided “up there' with the gods, flying down to Earth to convey messages. What is the message that the bird in your dream is trying to convey? To help you find out, determine what kind of bird it is and what you associate it with. (read all at source)
If you see a flock of birds in a dream, you may have heard, or be hoping to hear, good news.
If you dream of washing or sweeping a floor, you could be trying to clear troubling thoughts from your mind. (read all at source)
To catch birds, is not at all bad. To hear them speak, is owning one's inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception.
To kill than with a gun, is disaster from dearth of harvest. (read all at source)
Birds Nest
Dream interpretation - Birds Nest
To see an empty bird�s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will... Continue dream interpretation - Birds Nest"continue dream interpretation
« 12...89101112...2021 »... (read all at source)
Birds are generally a good sign if they have nice colors, fly and sing. Dead birds can mean a period of disappointments and worries. If the bird is in a cage you do not have enough freedom, or you do not let another person have enough freedom. (read all at source)
Birds live in the air, the world of the pure intellect. Birds in a dream symbolize intellectual matters.
The process of birth in a dream is a sign for the beginning of something new.If men dream of childbirth, it is an allusion to the origination of new ideas, career prospects. (read all at source)
Birdseed - Nourishment for the spiritual/creative self. May indicate insufficient rewards for your efforts. (read all at source)
Songbirds are a universal symbol for happy news, especially if they are brightly colored and/or singing. If they are flying, then your life is going to definitely take a turn for the better. (read all at source)
what does birds under floorboards with red eyes mean? this was my dream! i know that a traped bird means i need to solv something but i think theres something els pleas help!
Ami 3 years ago... (read all at source)
Baby Bake Bald Bananas Bar/Pub Basement Bat Bath Bathroom Battle Beard Bears Beaver Bed Bees Bicycle Birds Birth Blindness Blood Boat Body Books Box Bread Breasts / Breast... (read all at source)
These cultures claimed that man communicated with interaction with nature such as birds (trees and other animals as well).
Chicken: Can often be linked with "being chicken" or afraid to do something. The male, or rooster, can represent strutting arrogance. (read all at source)
the sequence moved and then i saw hundreds of owls ,galahs and assorted birds flying over water,i was watching from a balcony of some type of luxury apartment.the birds were bombing the water from a great height and left massive brown swirls of water in their wake. (read all at source)
To dream of a chirping and/or flying birds, represents joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You will experience spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. (read all at source)
Other types of symbology involving birds : metaphors such as
"bird-brain", "You eat like a bird", "birds of a feather flock
together," "that's for the birds", "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the
bush", "feathered friends", etc. (read all at source)
'In dreaming cultures, you are encouraged to explore your personal relationship with other guardian animals and birds. They may come to you in dreams as messengers or helpers. They may reveal themselves during a vision quest, or through an unusual encounter in nature. These connections are important. (read all at source)
In your dreaming if you see a cageful of birds, you will be the happy possessor of immense wealth and many beautiful and charming children. To see only one bird, you will contract a desirable and wealthy marriage. No bird indicates a member of the family lost, either by elopement or death. (read all at source)
To see the wings of fowls or birds, interpret that you will finally overcome adversity and rise to wealthy degrees and honor.
Winter... (read all at source)
Light or airy
Flying or flight
Playfulness, fun, or color
Characteristics or symbolism of birds
Dust, dusting or housework (as in a feather duster or feather pillows)
A by-product, or something previously used but no longer needed... (read all at source)
Nearly universal, sleep is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish, though the variation in amount of sleep is staggering. (read all at source)
The obstructions and shackles that have held you down have been released and you can now experience the same sense of freedom that we see in the birds that soar in the sky. (read all at source)
THE DREAM: I am in a house and feeling very depressed. I am then outside looking out over this beautiful new view. It stretches across the hills. The sun is shining gloriously. The sky is full of life with birds flying. (read all at source)
Dreaming of feeding birds with birdseed, suggests that you are nourishing your higher, spiritual qualities. Alternatively, it many indicate insufficient rewards for your efforts. Dreaming that you are spreading birdseed on the ground means minor growth in your business endeavors.
... (read all at source)
The visual acuity of many birds (i.e. the eyes of a hawk) also conveys positive perceptions, while ravens and owls are also stereotyped as vessels of wisdom in myth and literature. The ability of some birds to speak places them in a special category as far as non-human creatures are concerned. (read all at source)
Canary Birds
Dream Dictionary
To dream of this sweet songster, denotes unexpected pleasures. For the young to dream of possessing a beautiful canary, denotes high class honors and a successful passage through the literary world, or a happy termination of love's young dream. (read all at source)
Birds robed in black do not give up their secrets easily. They love to watch us marvel over their messages. (read all at source)
Birds are often seen as symbols of the future and as bad omens. That is true in some respects but they are symbols of so much more. Yes birds can be seen as symbols of premonitions but they also link to the future in other ways. They can be symbols simply of ideas and proposals for the future. (read all at source)
Two nights ago a dream I had started out with me Flying/hovering over a massive body of water, possibly the ocean, (darker water)with hundreds of greyish colored birds (type of bird unknown to me) just calmly sitting/floating in the water (alive), they were all lined up perfectly in rows. (read all at source)
Birds' Nest.
Nets To dream of ensnaring anything with a net, denotes that you will be unscrupulous in your dealings and deportment with others. To dream of an old or torn net, denotes that your property has mortgages, or attachments, which will cause you trouble. (read all at source)
To see hummingbirds in your dream, means that small ideas may possess much potential and power. This dream may also symbolize that the dreamer is frivolous with their energies, or is having trouble committing to a relationship.
Hunger... (read all at source)
Also, based on the way that hummingbirds can hover in one place, hummingbird can mean you're actually making progress even when it seems you're stuck, or that you're in a natural lull or rest period and you'll begin making progress again soon. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Daisy: To dream of a bunch of daisys, implies sadness, but if you dreamof being in a field where these lovely flowers are in bloom,with the sun shining and birds singing, happiness, health andprosperity will vie each with the other to lead you throughthe pleasantest avenues of life. (read all at source)
Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man also knows not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so [are] the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them." (GMR)... (read all at source)
If they were animal wings, look up birds. Superstition based dream interpretation books say that if you hear gentle flopping of wings you will hear good news. (read all at source)
To dream of feeding birds with much birdseed promises a very large income in the near future, and if you are spreading it around on the ground, your business will 'take root' and grow. (read all at source)
Flying birds are a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. Feelings of freedom, liberation from weight of responsibilities.
Boa... (read all at source)