Birdhouse dream meaning

To dream of a birdhouse suggests that you see your home as your own spiritual haven. You may need to pay more attention to your spiritual side and work on developing it. Classically, this dream also symbolizes the season of spring.
Birdseed... (read all at source)

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Birdhouse - Your spiritual/creative self.
Birdseed - Nourishment for the spiritual/creative self. May indicate insufficient rewards for your efforts. (read all at source)

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A nest, hive, birdhouse, doghouse, or other insect or animal dwelling can represent:
House, resting place, or a feeling of security or home
To settle down or stay in one place
To make one's home more comfortable or livable
Family, or the setting for family connection or bonding... (read all at source)

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Dreaming of a birdhouse, suggests that you see your home as your own spiritual haven. You may need to pay more attention to your spiritual side and work on developing it. Alternatively, it symbolizes the season of spring. (read all at source)

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Carefully lined with fuzz nest, hidden nest, hide it - in your life, there are hidden from your consciousness connected to the people and they are more determined your destiny. Swallow's Nest to see - in the near future to heal their home. Birdhouse in a dream to see, build and t. (read all at source)

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