Bill :
This dream show the opposite of what is going to happen. If you received bills you will get good economy, and opposite. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a bill is the omen that spiritual guidance is trying to make you pay back what you owe. The best way to overcome this situation is to carry out a number of good deeds for others. (read all at source)
Who did the examining and what was the nature of the problem discovered, or were you fortunate to be given a clean bill of health?
Free Sample Readings
Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)
bill and coo, bundle, burrow, caress, cosset, croodle, cuddle up, curl up, dandle, embrace, enfold, fondle, hold, hug, lap, love, neck, nestle, nuzzle, pet, smooch, snug, snug up, snuggle, snuggle up to
... (read all at source)
Bill represents himself, plus anything else that evokes a similar emotional response from you. So he will represent anything or anyone that you would like to quit, but can't. His image will be called to mind when you think of things that didn't work out. That kind of thing. (read all at source)
The bill - a reminder of any debt. The need to take stock. The reflection of concerns about financial situation. The need to unleash the karmic knot.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Although Bill works in the building trade, he finds it easy to cook, look after his children, cry, and accept his 'female' characteristics.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Do I try to change my gender instead of integrating it? (read all at source)
Example dream : Watching an execution dream linked to the dreamer being unable to pay her water bill. She was trying to negotiate a payment plan. The death sentence symbolised the terrible deadline approaching when her water might be cut off. ... (read all at source)
Arguments about the amount of money due on a bill can symbolize issues related to the Number discussed. (read all at source)
His son also owed for the phone bill; he told me to send it to him and he would pay it. I asked about the rent and he thought it was only proper that I legally pursue for it. I am continuing to do this. I do not feel vindictive, but I refuse to be a victim. (read all at source)
My husband dreamt that a lot off people including him suggested a new R500 Rand bill/paper money an it had the animals on and he had it in his hand an they were excited about this new money then he dreamt of fruit beautiful fields an lots of fruit
Valery says:... (read all at source)
Then I was sitting around with my mom and this pastor (I didn't recognize him, now that I think about it, but he was familiar). I pulled out my wallet and counted my money. I had a $100 bill and some smaller bills. He and my mom again seemed surprised that I had that much money. (read all at source)
Stoic, silent and mysterious, cats fit the bill of Otherworld guardians quite well. They keep the secrets of the Otherworld eternally to themselves, as they gaze with guile upon a world that does not see or understand the depth of their knowledge. (read all at source)
dream of 500 peso bill
pulling out eyelashes
worms coming out from vagina
late... (read all at source)
Problems in algebra or formulas seen in a dream point to a misunderstanding with regard to a bill.... Continue dream interpretation - Algebra"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Alibi... (read all at source)
Getting rid of or cleaning out
Neglecting a responsibility or avoiding taking responsibility (by trying to toss them away—for example, throwing away a bill that's due or a report card you don't like)
Rejecting or rejection
Denial... (read all at source)
Dream symbols must be personalized for each individual person, so general interpretations don't always fit the bill, like I've said repeatedly throughout this site. Please remember this, and remember to interpret your entire dream's context and not just an isolated symbol. (read all at source)
Bill, Bills
Objects - Dream Dictionary
The dream about bills means it's now due time of some situation. It symbolizes that it's time to pay up and resolve it. What is still unpaid and owing emotionally? (read all at source)
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night. ~ Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes
A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in our soul. ~ Erich Fromm... (read all at source)
Your efforts are paying off. Alternatively, salt also symbolizes dependability, truth, dedication and longevity. To dream that you are salting meat, signifies piling debt and as a result you will be constantly harassed by bill collectors. (read all at source)