Bigamy dreams by DreamMean
For a man to commit bigamy, denotes loss of manhood and failing mentality.
To a woman, it predicts that she will suffer dishonor unless very discreet.
To dream of bigamy, is by Association representative of dishonesty in the waking world the factors note here where there you were actually married to a bigamist or you were carrying out a bigamy yourself. (read all at source)
Bigamy :
If a woman dream about bigamy she must be more careful in choosing a partner. For a man does bigamy symbolize that he should think about going to a doctor. (read all at source)
In general: If the dreamer sees himself in a dream as a bigamist, then this is an indication of his inability to interpret decision - either between two loved ones, or between two possible courses of action. The dreamer have two options, which are of equal value for him. (read all at source)
Dreaming of being a bigamist implies that the dreamer is having difficulty making a decision. However, in some instances it can also relate to greed and/or gluttony. Yet again, it may imply the dreamer or their partner has a desire to cheat.
Birds... (read all at source)
A dream where you are a bigamist symbolizes the ability to choose between two things or people in your life.
BIRDS ... (read all at source)