To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded.
To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. (read all at source)
Shining big yellow or gold and small silver snakes
I dreamt of a yellow tree snake thick I killed the snake with blue death then ther were a scorpio a big one we got away... (read all at source)
Pocketbook: To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams,you will be quite lucky, gaining in nearly every instance your desire.
If empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. (read all at source)
Dreams of experiencing your own death usually mean that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes do not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. (read all at source)
A dream where there is some kind of big disaster suggests that you feel anxious, angry, fearful or any other strong emotion in some part of your waking life. Alternatively, ..Read more →
DISCOVERY ... (read all at source)
Anything that appears oversized or extremely large in a dream can show an imbalance. You may be placing too much importance on what the symbol represents. On the other hand - a symbol may be appearing big because you need to recognize its importance. (read all at source)
To dream that you are feeling lazy, foretells you will make a big mistake in business, which will lead to deep disappointment. Alternatively, the dream may reflect your laziness in your walking life
Love... (read all at source)
The big question is why do precognition happen to us when we sleep? Nobody yet has figured out why we get "precognitive dreams", though some people say its part of our defence mechanism that warns us for events to yet occur. Another question on peoples mind if precognition really exist? (read all at source)
On a big but 70s looking jet aeroplane. 70s as old and worn interior. With a few mates and no one else. Instead of the plane taking off, it runs along the motorway. Even leaps off one barrier and lands on a lower road!
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big Joe @ 2011-07-25 16:18:01
I have a dream in a town I dont know other then in my dreams in this town im either running to or from something at times. other times I am just looking around... (read all at source)
big moose and wild boar dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
During the big change that would happen to your life, you would exert a very strong effort to resist Satan and his/her ruthless and sick desire to drive you to the wrong, evil and destructive path in life. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Hope; anticipate; expect; foresee
Popular Expressions: Wish list; Be careful of what you wish for; wish you were here... (read all at source)
One good way to help understand your dream is to understand which way your mind is pointing to. Are you thinking backwards and thinking over events which have just happened? (read all at source)
big a situation seems too big, or too small; you are big enough to handle it; feeling small. Where are you feeling insignificant?
bikini something skimpy; not covering up much; a need to be more discreet; sexual desires; exhibitionism. Who is wearing the bikini in your dream? (read all at source)
Often in dreams you see things bigger than they are in normal, waking life. When something or someone is big in a dream, it indicates that this person or situation looms large in your thoughts, emotions, or actions. (read all at source)
A big wheel or Ferris Wheel is likely to be about being caught on a karmic cycle. This is where you miss the opportunities in life to repay the karmic debts you owe. The result of which is the need to plan another life to pay the debts you had planned to pay this time around. (read all at source)
The big - Dream of big diamond in ring meaning for all:
Shows unreasonable worries of the dreamer for the future; great expectations might come true, if diamond is clear and fixed properly in ring;
According N. Grishin - huge business success, an important acquaintance. (read all at source)
Big eyebrows symbolize success. Thin eyebrows symbolize disappointment in love or in trade. If you were worried about them might someone you love betray you.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
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big house, bridewell, brig, calaboose, can, clink, cooler, coop, deep freeze, deep-freezer, freezing machine, hoosegow, ice machine, ice plant, ice-cream freezer, ice-cube machine, icehouse, jail, refrigerating engine, refrigerating machine, sharp-freezer
... (read all at source)
Big happiness. Inner self .Suitable time to pursue love affairs.
Opening or closure of something. (read all at source)
Big nails shaped in round form appearing in your dream signify that you will have a good life, you will be in the center of attention and you will be appreciated for your accomplishments, but also envied. (read all at source)
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For big trouble.
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A roaring big fire (contained in a grate) signifies new hope after a time of discouragement.
Fire Escape. To dream of being on, or using, a fire escape is a warning to guard against stretching your resources. (read all at source)
London is a big capital city and people traditionally head towards the centre when they wish to make their fortune. It probably is a symbol linked to your willingness to meet new people and accept new ideas. Try to think how the big city could be a symbol for recent thoughts. (read all at source)
Zeus is the big cheese, the god of all gods in Ancient Greek mythology. As children we are often told tales of Zeus and the gods of Olympus, and there have been many movies that feature Zeus as the all power god and master of human fate. (read all at source)
Whale - big impact in the things of the Spirit; going deep in the spirit
Wolf - Satan and evil; false ministries & false teachers; predator... (read all at source)
*Please See Big.
To see larks flying in your dream, symbolizes high aspirations. If they fall during flight, then it indicates that you will be overcome with despair in the midst of your pleasure and joy.
To hear larks singing in your dream, foretells of success in business. (read all at source)
See also: above big
Category(s): Objects
Using this Dream Dictionary
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If this really is a big problem, it really MIGHT be time to get some professional help to fix it. This could be a counsellor, a minister, or maybe just another adult who is around to talk things through.
Dream Symbol Dictionary
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Basic motifs stemming from the natural world play a big part in representing the more complex events and feelings in our life. This include dreams of the natural landscape, vegetation and plants, alongside with weather and events outside of human control. (read all at source)
I came to a place in the canyon that had several big rocks that were about 6 feet high. There was one overhanging rock about 5 feet thick and 8 feet long. I dragged this man under the overhanging rock and let go of him. I went a bit further and turned around. (read all at source)
Another perspective is the association of a big fish as being a prize or trophy, others have seen fish to mean life force, or potential. You have whole, complete prizes or potentials within you. When you begin to think about yourself, you go deeper into your subconscious (walking down stairs). (read all at source)
That night in a moment of weakness, she eats a big slice of cake, and a bowl of ice cream. That night she dreams of being on a farm on a cloudy day, and watching in disgust as a big manure covered sow eats and sucks non-stop at her sloop. (read all at source)
Often, marble is reserved for dwellings of authority and power (government, big business, stately mansions, etc.). If you are fortunate enough to occupy the building, it may be that you are feeling a special allegiance with power structures. (read all at source)
AntsThe positive aspect of a dream about ants is that while ants are tiny, they can produce big results through their work. If you have a dream that involves the productive ants, it may be your psyche is trying to help you tackle a huge task. (read all at source)
Being caught in a gale may mean you have some big problems you are struggling against. If you are being blown about helplessly it shows your enemies or troubles will triumph if you do not act right away to protect yourself. (read all at source)
Because they hibernate, bears can symbolize cycles; birth death awakening motif; power or overpowering (the big as bear); your own cyclic activity or abilities. Is it time for your to awaken into activity, or to hibernate and renew your energy? (read all at source)
You may have gone through a big change in your life, for example, a career change or a relationship change, and you are mourning for the things that you have given up. (read all at source)
To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)
To dream of a wizard, denotes you are going to have a big family, which will cause you much inconvenience as well as displeasure. For young people, this dream implies loss and broken engagements.
Wolf... (read all at source)
To dream of a treasure map marked a big X , indicates that your goals are in sight and you will soon be rewarded.
X-Ray ... (read all at source)
Should you prepare to make that big commitment, or stay single for a while?
Are You Just Friends?
Is your relationship strictly platonic, or is it blossoming into a romance? (read all at source)
To dream about the galaxy signifies your imagination. It also indicates that you are taking in the big picture and are more in touch with the world and events around you. (read all at source)
Camel - You may need to conserve yourself for future problems or events. You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. An ability to handle big problems, responsibilities, and burdens. (read all at source)
Missing a flight or any other kind of transport is another popular dream, showing your frustration over possibly missing out on important opportunities in life. It's most common when you're struggling to make a big decision. (read all at source)
The brother in your dream can also be synonymous with a close friend or buddy. Brother also has religious implications and thus represents spiritual issues. Consider also the familiar phrase (big brother is watching you) which indicate that your dream has to deal with issues of authority and... (read all at source)
A dream of this big boomer is a warning to cut down on your favorite vice--whatever it may be. Overindulgence will... Continue dream interpretation - Kettledrum"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Key... (read all at source)
Coping with our own physical mortality is a very big deal. Both our conscious, and unconscious minds are continually working and bringing issues of relevance and concern into our awareness. Think about the details of your dream and make an attempt to honestly understand its meaning. (read all at source)
To dream that someone or something is bigger than normal, means that you either have an inflated opinion of yourself or of someone else. You may be expressing a desire to be more dominant in some situation or relationship. To see a big person in your dream, represents authority and power. (read all at source)
If you dream that you have big feet, people admire you and find you attractive. If you dream of having no feet, this foretells unexpected obstacles in your path. Also see Barefoot. (read all at source)
Now, if I have this dream, I know I have been unwise with my big mouth!... (read all at source)
The number of the big sins or vices is seven which are from a Hadith of the prophet Mohamed : "Avoid the seven sins polytheism, witchcraft, the killing of the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, consuming riba, consuming the wealth of the orphan,... (read all at source)
big dream symbol
Power or strength, protectiveness, or a feeling of overwhelm or of things being out of control, among other meanings. For more clues, look at what the large object or person represents. (read all at source)
Big Spider Dream
About Dreamhawk
Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)