Bier dreams by DreamMean
To see one, indicates disastrous losses and the early dissolution of a dear relative.
To see one, strewn with flowers in a church, denotes an unfortunate marriage.
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Bier dreams by DreamMean
To see one, indicates disastrous losses and the early dissolution of a dear relative.
To see one, strewn with flowers in a church, denotes an unfortunate marriage.
Bier :
This either symbolizes a loss or bad luck in marriage. (read all at source)
air mattress, arsy-varsiness, be confined, bear, bear a child, bear young, bed, bed down, bedding, bedstead, bier, bolster, brancard, break, bridle, brood, brush, bunk, cacolet, calve, camel litter, cast, clamjamfry, clutch, clutter, collateral, couch, curry, currycomb, cushion, dandy, debris,... (read all at source)
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