Belladonna dream meaning

Belladonna dreams by DreamMean
Strategic moves will bring success in commercial circles. Women will find rivals in society; vain and fruitless efforts will be made for places in men's affections.

Taking it, denotes misery and failure to meet past debts.

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drink, aldehyde, amine, ammonia, amobarbital sodium, amyl alcohol, Amytal, Amytal pill, analgesic, anhydride, anodyne, antifreeze, aqua regia, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, Argyrol, arsenate, arsenite, barb, barbital, barbiturate, barbiturate pill, barbituric acid, basic anhydride, belladonna, benzine,... (read all at source)

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The link between hallucinogenic drugs and dreams has been recognized since the time of oldest societies. Belladonna was the drug of ancient oracles of Delphi, used to induce trances and dreams. The early Persians used Haoma for the same general purpose. (read all at source)

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