A bell can also represent your conscience. Hearing a bell in your dream can mean that you are feeling guilty about something.
Church bells in a dream can represent tradition or spirituality. (read all at source)
If the bell in your dream rings for young people in love, this means marriage. If the bell rings for a dead person, it means that someone with authority is interested in you. Ringing the bells yourself indicates that you will make a special friendship. (read all at source)
Hearing a bell represents a warning or a call to order. It may also be a signal from your unconscious to prepare you for whatever is happening next. If the bell rings and never stops, then it suggests that you are experiencing extreme anxiety. (read all at source)
Fortune is hurrying after you. Questions of importance will be settled amicably among disputants. To see him looking sad some sorrowful event or misfortune may soon follow. (read all at source)
Door Bell
Dream Dictionary
To dream you hear or ring a door bell, foretells unexpected tidings, or a hasty summons to business, or the bedtide of a sick relative. (read all at source)
Alarm Bell
Hearing an alarm bell in a dream represents something that is causing you great concern. It may involve a circumstance that happened without warning and forces you to react quickly. (read all at source)
To hear a bell in your sleep, could denote that you may have cause for anxiety.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)
How is the bell ringing? A fast, consistent ring may imply a situation that’s grave and intense. If the ring is slow and subtle, perhaps it’s simply a reminder. Are you being reminded of an important lesson or event? Where does the ringing come from? (read all at source)
Curfew (Evening bell)
General Meanings:
Good time and health To hear curfew (evening bell) is ringing means that something is going to be good, conciliatory end, that soon you can be happy again. (read all at source)
How do you think bells could link in with your thoughts? Bells are used to convey news both good and bad. Have you been told some wonderful news? Has news been spreading of something bad happening? Could it be linked to a visit to church or thoughts about church? (read all at source)
The dog became excited to see me when I called it's name and kept repeating through the screen "say Jessica" (clear as a bell) "Jessica" (slightly distorted), as if it were repeating a speech lesson that it had had with my ex boyfriend. (read all at source)
Bell Symbolism:
I love the symbolism of bells - particularly during the winter solstice because it chimes out the importance of clarity. Bells ringing on a crisp Christmas night can serve as a meditative trigger that can intone our awareness into higher realms of pure potential. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Bell-man
Fortune is hurrying after you. Questions of importance will be settled amicably among disputants. To see him looking sad some sorrowful... Continue dream interpretation - Bell-man"continue dream interpretation
« 12...678910...2021 »... (read all at source)
Bell-a call to attention or warning, Ex. 28:33-35. Golden bells are symbolic of ministry and holiness, Ex. 28:34
Belt-this is symbolic of truth, Eph. 6:11. A belt is also sym�bolic of an attachment to something, Jer. 13:11 (read all at source)
Fortune is hurrying after you. Questions of importance will be settled amicably among disputants. To see him looking sad some sorrowful event or misfortune may soon follow.
Bellows... (read all at source)
To dream of a bell ringing in a dream implies an awakening of some sort. That is; the dreamer needs to take note some issue or concept as a signal is being provided to inform them that some insight is needed (e.g. send alarm bells ringing). (read all at source)
bell being 'saved by the bell'; think what this dream reminds you of; a momentous occasion; stopped before the task is done; dinner is ready. For whom does the 'bell toll'? (read all at source)
Each time you hear a bell, you are alerted to do something. The ringing of bells can be associated with knowing when it is time to go and it can also symbolize a sense that you are late for something, as in life stages. (read all at source)
Hearing the sound of a bell in a dream may mean unexpected good news is on its way. If you're ringing a bell, it means you may soon need to call upon trusted friends. They'll help you in your current situation. (read all at source)
A dream where you hear a bell suggests some kind of a warning, or alternatively that you seek approval from other people.
BELLY ... (read all at source)
Door Bell
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming you hear or ring a door bell, foretells unexpected tidings, or a hasty summons to business, or the bedtide of a sick relative.. (read all at source)
Death bell :
If you hear the sound of a death bell can someone you know either get ill or have a difficult time. If you ring with it you can either have bad health or things can turn. (read all at source)
Alarm Bell
To hear a bell in your sleep, interpret that you will have cause for anxiety.
Album... (read all at source)
Alarm Bell
To hear an alarm bell in your sleep, signifies a situation that is giving you much anxiety. This situation may arise unexpectedly where you are then required to spring into action. (read all at source)
A door bell ringing is a request to open the door on an opportunity that has come your way. If the door is at the front of the house the opportunity is something new in your future. If the doorbell is at the back of the house the opportunity has to do with resolving something from the past. (read all at source)
bell@2012-01-31 @ 2012-02-11 06:06:35
I had a dream that a brightly colored orange and yellow owl was in our hotel room i was going to call room service but it flew into my covers and disappeared...the next night when we were at home my husband suddenly passed away very unexpectedly... (read all at source)
Bell - Bells sound an alert, often awakening you to insights you may overlook in your waking consciousness. May be a signal from your unconscious to prepare you for whatever is happening next. (read all at source)
Passing Bell
To hear a passing bell, unexpected intelligence of the sorrow or illness of the absent.
To ring one yourself, denotes ill health and reverses. (read all at source)
To hear a bell tolling in your dream, represents a signal from your unconscious to prepare you for whatever is happening next. If the bell rings and never stops, then it suggests that you are experiencing extreme anxiety.
Bellboy... (read all at source)
If you hear a bell tolling for the dead, you may be hoping that someone will watch over you and look after you.
See Stomach... (read all at source)
Rang the bell to you - then you find out information, the use of which will help to achieve some benefit. (read all at source)
To dream that you hear or ring a door bell, foretells you will have an interesting new friend or neighbor. The dream may represent an opportunity that you are about to miss.
To see or drive up to a driveway in your dream, symbolizes a positive end to a journey, security and rest. (read all at source)
A specific noise, such as a bell ringing or gunshot, often signifies an important event or symbol in the dream. See the entry for the specific type of sound.
See also: music words hearing quiet
Category(s): Attribute Activities Events... (read all at source)
Then he put his hand out with the palm towards me with force and put it into my heart and commended with a powerful voice saying, "Be not afraid"! When he did this I walk up I was very weak and my arms hummed like if you hit a Bell. (read all at source)
Virgin snow, as you may see it covering a beautiful landscape, may represent new beginnings or a new way of seeing things and dirty snow may represent guilt. In literary works such as "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls," snow represents death. (read all at source)