bather, bathing beauty, bathing girl, Davy, Davy Jones, diver, Dylan, fresh-water nymph, frogman, kelpie, limniad, man fish, merman, naiad, natator, Neptune, Nereid, Nereus, nix, nixie, ocean nymph, Oceanid, Oceanus, Poseidon, sea devil, sea god, sea nymph, sea-maid, sea-maiden, seaman, siren,... (read all at source)
To bathe your face and hands in a bowl of clear water, denotes that you will soon consummate passionate wishes which will bind you closely to some one who interested you, but before passion enveloped you.
Wash-bowl... (read all at source)
- Bathe in it - To take a bath in dream: you're going to clean up disgrace or shame;
- Walking on water - To dream that you're walking on water in dream: you will overcome all obstacles;... (read all at source)
A young woman, who saw in a dream that she bathed in a muddy lake and troubled, big changes. As if she did not have to repent of his extravagance! If a woman is floating on the lake by boat and reached the pier - it is under the influence of false beliefs, which in the end will overcome. (read all at source)
When I think about having asked the dream woman if I should bathe before doing the sacred wine tasting, I get an idea for follow-up action. I decide to ceremoniously wash away the old beliefs that my mother had instilled in me about women not being powerful. (read all at source)
We say that someone is 'bathed in glory'. Bathing generally suggests that you are trying to relax. Perhaps the dream captures you when you are thinking through something that has just happened. Perhaps you are trying to get sopme bad feelings out of your system. (read all at source)
If you bathe your feet in warm water, you will have new and enthusiastic plans. Bathing your feet in cold water is the sign of a tranquil period coming your way. (read all at source)
If I drink from it or bathe in it what happens?
Is the fountain clear or blocked?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams - People's Experience of LifeStream - Edgar Cayce... (read all at source)
If you are sunbathing or watching other people sunbathe, you could be feeling happy with yourself and confident about your future.
If you dream of eating beans, you may disagree with someone in waking life. (read all at source)
To dream of a wash-bowl, signifies that new cares will interest you, and afford much enjoyment to others. To bathe your face... Continue dream interpretation - Wash-bowl"continue dream interpretation
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Menu - Dream Revealer... (read all at source)
A dream that you are bathing someone, being bathed or sharing a bath with someone else can have sexual connotations. (read all at source)
Positions for Breastfeeding Your Baby - Cradle Hold, Football Hold, Cross Cradle, Side Lying
Avoiding Germs When Giving Birth
Holding Hands
How to Bathe a Baby
Free Directions to Sew a Baby Bib From a Finger or Hand Towel... (read all at source)
If you walked on ice you are doing something that not are good for you. Ice can also mean that you do not show enough feelings. To slip on ice mean you are uncertain. To bathe among ice mean something unforeseen. See possibly icicles, ice cubes or ice cream. (read all at source)
It represents a desire to restore yourself to a pure state in some area of your life and wash away what is no longer needed. If you are watching someone else bathe, you may feel that person needs to 'come clean' with you about something, or that you need to do the same with her. (read all at source)