General Meanings:
Aggression against others The dream of a barrier consists of iron rods, then the dreamer must deal with how strong or aggressive he behaves with other people and how he feels himself against this behavior and whether the situation is appropriate and respective. (read all at source)
A barrier that acts like a fence means you suppress your feelings. This is used to mark your personal space. In dreams this is a symbol of sharing and indicates suppression of feelings. You do not share your feelings with others and more importantly you do not acknowledge your feelings yourself. (read all at source)
Barrie, barrier island, barrier reef, barrier strip
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)
A lifted barrier means certain progress in achieving your future goals. The steps needed to achieve these goals will be easy to access and possible to accomplish with hard work. A lowered barrier foretells obstacles difficult to remove, slow progress and overthrow of your projects. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Barrier
Anything closed, such as a window, door, gate, fence, or wall, constitutes an obstacle dream, and its significance is in accord... Continue dream interpretation - Barrier"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Baseball... (read all at source)
To see a barrier in your dream , represents an obstacle to emotional growth. You may feel hindered in fully expressing yourself. The dream may also indicate your resistance to change. (read all at source)
If barriers in your dream are keeping you from getting where you are trying to go, you are experiencing the same feelings in your day-to-day life. (read all at source)
A dream where there is a barrier suggests there is some kind of a barrier that you need to get through in some aspect of your life, or that you ..Read more →
BASKET ... (read all at source)
Stumbling: Barrier in the way preventing the truth; sin; backslide; mistake; become deceived; to be overcome; ignorance. (Jer. 50: 32; Rom. 11: 9; Is. 5: 24; Ex. 15: 7; 1 Cor. 1: 23; 8: 9; 1 Peter 2: 8; Prov. 3: 23)... (read all at source)
Fence - barrier{s} in one's life, either physical and or psychological; sitting on a fence is trying to make-up your mind.
Ferry (Boat) - moving from one phase of life to another.
Field(s) - a need to get close to nature. (read all at source)
wall: A barrier or partition, defensiveness. A way of maintaining control. A crumbling wall might indicate disintegrating control or a deteriorating sense of safety.
wallet: see purse
war: Violent resolution of conflict. "Are there parts of you in conflict?"... (read all at source)
fence a barrier can be many things; check where in your life you have put up barriers; having trouble making up your mind; not giving a direct answer; giving clever answers to your opponents. What is fencing you in, or out? (read all at source)
The wall - a barrier; obstacle. Cut off from the rest of the world.
Ancient Persian Dream Book Taflisi
Wall - the dream symbolizes a stranger. (read all at source)
Is this ford a barrier I am facing or an easy way to make a change in my life?
In what way am I relating to the river - is it washing me or a struggle?
Is there any suggestion of a loss here? (read all at source)
Snow Drift - barrier; hindrance; opposition
Snow Blizzard - inability to see; storm that blinds you or obstructs your vision
Storms - disturbance; change; spiritual warfare; judgment; sudden calamity or destruction; turbulent times; trial; opposition... (read all at source)
If a wall stands in your way in a dream, there is a barrier obstructing your progress in real life. To dream that you jump over or break through a wall means you will overcome some tough obstacles and succeed. (read all at source)
He put up huge barriers against the world and constantly felt under valued.
Example dream : A dream of a railway heading for a castle linked to the dreamer feeling very under valued the previous day. Heading for the castle symbolised her determination in feeling defensive and withdraw. (read all at source)
To see a fence in your dream, signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world. (read all at source)
If you dreaming that you are attacked or assaulted by a bear it signifies rampancy, shattering barriers and competition. There is a possibility that you will feel distracted and might not know which direction you should go. The bears could also represent endless round between life and death. (read all at source)
When you are a child, your mind has free reign to explore all sides of who you are becoming, but as you grow older, a type of subconscious barrier develops. (read all at source)
A dream that you are wearing armor can be a sign that you have placed a barrier between yourself and the rest of the world. You may have been hurt in the past and are protected yourself from being hurt again. (read all at source)
This is only a psychological barrier. Meditate on your Crown Chakra that is scale center above the head before going to bed. To get it contact us. Please give us a good rating.
Thank you.
Institute of Astrology and Occult Science
Nuagaon Square, Vijoy Vihar, Bhubaneswar 2. (read all at source)
To see hurdles in your dream symbolizes the barriers and obstacles that are in your way throughout your life. If you jump over the hurdle successfully in the dream, then it indicates that you are goal-oriented and do not let anything get in your way of your success. (read all at source)
Wall-to dream of a wall suggests a barrier to your movement in life. To hide behind a wall in a dream symbolizes finding protection. A leaning wall is symbolic of a person under pres�sure, Ps. 62:3. A high, flimsy wall can symbolize the folly of trusting in wealth, Prov. 18:11. (read all at source)
It may represent a barrier between states of consciousness or be symbolic of your ideology and philosophy. If you are dreaming about a leaky roof, new information may be trying to get into your conscious awareness. (read all at source)
The wall or walls in your dream may also symbolize barriers. Do you need to create a boundary or two in relation to the people around you? Or do you need to pull a couple down? Do you feel no one’s listening and your banging your head up against the wall. (read all at source)
An effort to gain admission or surpass a barrier, such as to a new experience or to gain certain knowledge, or to be accepted by certain other people
A desire to make progress or move into a new phase
An attempt to communicate with or gain access to someone... (read all at source)
To dream that you wear this beautiful and costly raiment, could denote exaltation, lofty character and wealth forming a barrier to want and misery.
To see others therefore clothed, you might be associated with wealthy people, polished in literature and art. (read all at source)
To dream of glass is symbolic of the clear but definite barriers we erect between ourselves and others. The glass wall is designed to allow ourselves to see out and others to see in, but at a distance.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Lens... (read all at source)
With each crack of thunder consider barriers and blockages in your life being shattered.
Then see the great 7 foot wingspan of the eagle growing even longer in your vision in order to swipe away the rubble - making all trace of limitation disappear. (read all at source)
A glass window is something that is itself difficult to see, but that acts as a barrier, preventing you from reaching the things beyond that transparent barrier that you can't see. (read all at source)
A wall, fence, or other divider or barrier could have many different meanings, so consider its context and how you feel about it. Some possibilities are:... (read all at source)
Ruined. Disorderly. There is a barrier to progress in your plans.
Communication. Review of your feelings. Record of experience. (read all at source)
As you might expect, this means there are barriers in your waking life that are in the way of achieving what you want. First, you must identify what your objectives are, then identify the person or thing you feel is standing in the way of you making those objectives a reality. (read all at source)
Again, with moving, we have another obstacle dream, in as much as, if the move goes smoothly and is completed in normal time then you will overcome your barriers and sail through to what you desire. (read all at source)
A Freudian approach would be to discern what might be gained by overcoming the barrier and then attempting to associate that gain with a taboo event. (read all at source)
struggle. Inner conflict, need for achievement, barriers to growth.
sunburn. Vulnerability to external influences, social pressures in particular. (read all at source)
To see a fence in your dream signifies a need for privacy, or an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. To dream that you are climbing to the top of a fence denotes success. (read all at source)
To throw the fence down and walk into the other side, indicates that you will, by enterprise and energy, overcome the stubbornest barriers between you and success.
Fence... (read all at source)
To dreaam{sic} of meeting your grandparents and conversing with them, you will meet with difficulties that will be hard to surmount, but by following good advice you will overcome many barriers.
Visitors who dreamed about grandparents:
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To dream that you are fishing, indicates that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. In particular, to dream that you are ice fishing, suggests that you are breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from your unconscious. (read all at source)
On a big but 70s looking jet aeroplane. 70s as old and worn interior. With a few mates and no one else. Instead of the plane taking off, it runs along the motorway. Even leaps off one barrier and lands on a lower road!
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Grandparents To dreaam{sic} of meeting your grandparents and conversing with them, you will meet with difficulties that will be hard to surmount, but by following good advice you will overcome many barriers. (read all at source)
view a wall may represent feelings of being excluded from the parents bedroom and the sexual activity or secrets that occur there. Walls separate and organize functions (thinking from emotions). Restrict or set limits. Create privacy or isolation. Have you walled off your emotions or put a barrier... (read all at source)